By Selina Xu 作者:徐琳娜 2023年9月22日 at GMT+8 07:00 For years, the Harvard College China Forum brought business moguls en masse to the university’s oak-paneled rooms, including Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. founder Jack Ma, Xiaomi Corp.’s 现在这样的场景已经越来越少了。中美关系紧张,就连世界上最富有的人也在努力让双方走到一起。只有少数来自中国大陆的高管亲自参加了今年在马萨诸塞州剑桥市举行的中国论坛。至于过去提升中国论坛知名度的精英学生,许多人都想回国。 Lei Jun, Blackstone Inc.’s Stephen Schwarzman and Bridgewater Associates LP’s Ray Dalio. There at the invitation of students, some of whom also happen to be the children of Chinese billionaires, the moneyed classes of the world’s two largest economies would hobnob every year in a lively exchange of ideas, demonstrating wealth’s power to bridge geopolitical rifts. Such scenes are now fewer and far between. US-China tensions are so fraught, even the world’s richest are struggling to bring the two sides together. Only a handful of executives from mainland China came in person to this year’s China Forum in Cambridge, Massachusetts. As for the elite student...
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