
建设建强资本市场 更好服务中国式现代化——证监会主席吴清在2024金融街论坛年会上的主旨演讲












Your Excellency Secretary Yin Li, Your Excellency Mayor Yin Yong, Your Excellency Lord Xiu, Your Excellency President Kotō, Your Excellency vice-president Wang Jiang, Your Excellency President Gong Sheng, Your Excellency Commissioner Ulanhu, Your Excellency President Fu Hua, Your Excellency Commissioner Hexin, Distinguished Guests, ladies and gentlemen,

good morning, everyone! It is my pleasure to attend this Financial Street Forum. At present, the situation in the fields of global economy, trade and geopolitics is complex, conflicts are frequent and risks and challenges are enormous, only by strengthening macro-policy coordination and mutual trust, enhancing industrial division and coordination, and deepening financial cooperation and openness can we overcome development challenges and trust gaps and inject more certainty into the uncertain global economy. The theme of this forum is“Trust and confidence”, which is of great practical significance.

This year, in the face of a complex and challenging internal and external environment, under the firm leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the Chinese economy has on the whole maintained steady performance with progress made, and high-quality development has made solid progress. The third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made a comprehensive plan to further deepen reform in an all-round way and promote chinese-style modernization, thus injecting strong impetus into the long-term improvement of the economy. Recently, all parties resolutely implemented the spirit of the Politburo meeting held on September 26 and launched a series of policy “Combined Fist”, effectively boosting market confidence. We are confident that with the acceleration of key reform tasks, the launch of an incremental package of policies and the sustained strength of the stock policy, China's economic rebound will be on a firmer and more stable footing.

The capital market plays an important role in the financial operation, it plays a unique and key role in promoting the formation of innovative capital, promoting industrial transformation and upgrading, improving social wealth management, and stabilizing social psychological expectations. The SFC will resolutely implement the spirit of the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the CPC and the Politburo conference, firmly focus on the high-quality development of the capital market, strengthen the capital base, tighten supervision, guard against risks and give full play to the function of the capital market, better serve the overall situation of economic and social development.

First, to further lay a solid foundation for the coordinated development of investment and financing. Investment and financing are two sides of the same coin, they complement each other and promote each other. One is to achieve the overall balance of quantity. On the one hand, we need to accelerate the implementation of the mid-and long-term fund market guidance, vigorously develop equity-based public funds, and sort and implement measures to break through the mid-and long-term fund market entry pain points, build a policy system that supports“Long money, long investment”. Just now Governor Pan announced that the swap facility has started to accept applications from financial institutions. The Securities and Futures Commission has also approved the participation of 20 securities fund companies in the swap facility. We will also actively cooperate with the People's Bank of China to do a good job of stock repurchase and refinancing policy tools to implement, these will introduce incremental capital for the a-share market. On the other hand, we will promote the implementation of the capital market to do a good job in the financial“Five Articles” measures. We will further improve the mechanism for coordinated development of the primary and secondary markets, and make the scale and rhythm of market financing more scientific and rational. The second is to achieve continuous improvement in quality. To grasp the“Bull nose” of improving the quality of listed companies, guide and urge listed companies to improve corporate governance, further improve transparency, increase dividends, buy-back efforts, and implement market value management responsibilities, continue to increase the value of the investment to create long-term returns for investors. The third is to realize the effective check and balance of power and responsibility. Recently, the market is more concerned about the issue of shareholder reduction, from the objective data, whether in the past year, or late September, listed companies have not appeared since the“Heap reduction” and a large number of illegal reduction phenomenon. Both the CSRC and the exchange immediately took measures to deal with the problem of illegal sales by individual companies. Reduction is a shareholder's right, the normal reduction should be supported, but illegal reduction, bypass reduction, must be resolutely dealt with, ordered to buy back, pay the price difference, and bear the corresponding responsibility. Next, we will strengthen the entire chain of supervision over the issue, listing, information disclosure, share reduction, and delisting of listed companies, in view of the shareholding, capital, and information advantages of the major shareholders and actual controllers of listed companies, strengthen the“Key minority” behavior of large shareholders and other necessary constraints, effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of small and medium-sized investors, so that financing more standardized, investment more secure.

Second, we will further support the growth of new-quality productivity. We will focus on supporting high-quality innovative enterprises, enhance institutional inclusiveness and adaptability, reform and optimize the issuance and listing system, and make good use of the newly issued“Merger and acquisition six” to implement, as soon as possible to launch a number of typical cases. We will improve systems such as equity incentives to stimulate entrepreneurship and creativity, and lead all kinds of advanced factors of production to concentrate on developing new-quality productive forces. We will work hard to cultivate and expand patient capital, make good use of various tools such as stocks, bonds and maturities, and improve policies to support venture capital and private equity investment by offering investment, managing returns, and so on, to guide better investment early, small, long-term investment, investment hard science and technology. To strengthen the capacity of professional services and urge industry bodies to upgrade their capabilities, so as to give better play to their roles in value discovery, risk pricing, dealmaking and value-added services in promoting innovation in science, technology, industry and business models, to promote the development of high-quality innovative enterprises.

Third, further deepening the reform of the capital market in an all-round way. In accordance with the plan laid out at the third plenary session of the CPC Central Committee, we are working out an implementation plan for further deepening the reform of the capital market in an all-round way. Will adhere to the direction of marketization and the rule of law, deepen the comprehensive reform of investment and financing in the capital market, and improve the institutional mechanisms for promoting the high-quality development of listed companies and enhancing the internal stability of the market, aiming at the key and difficult problems that restrict the function of the market, such as the pricing of the primary and secondary market, investor protection, etc. . Strengthen the coordination of reform, grasp the time effectiveness, to ensure that the various reform initiatives can be implemented and expected to achieve practical results.

Fourth, to further shape a good market ecology. We will ensure that supervision is carried out in accordance with the requirements of“Long teeth with thorns” and sharp edges and corners, and severely punish financial fraud, fraudulent issuance, manipulation of the market, and illegal sales reductions, so as to safeguard the“Three official markets” in the market. Strong supervision is not strict and unrestrained, the key is through effective supervision in accordance with the law, so that all parties in the market to do their duty, each in its place, to promote strong foundation. While strengthening supervision, we should encourage the practice of a financial culture with Chinese characteristics characterized by“Five essentials and five negatives,” and urge listed companies and industrial institutions to adhere to the spirit of rule of law, good faith, and contracts, and to fulfill their fiduciary duties and responsibilities, cultivate a culture of equity that respects and rewards investors, and create a good“Soft environment” for the steady and healthy development of the capital market.

Ladies and gentlemen, Ladies and Gentlemen!

Opening-up is a distinctive symbol of chinese-style modernization, and foreign capital is an important participant and builder of China's capital market. The CSRC will unswervingly continue to promote an all-round institutional opening up of markets, institutions and products, deepen market connectivity at home and abroad, and expand overseas listing channels, we will encourage and support more foreign-funded institutions to invest in China. We will further enhance policy stability, transparency and predictability, and strive to make all types of funds“Willing to come, retain, and develop well.”.

Finally, I sincerely wish this forum a complete success!



2014-2024,仅仅10年 大象公社

 《2014-2024,仅仅10年》 大象公社 十年前的夏天,年轻人不愿当公务员,国考人数锐减36万,热帖称“机关钱少活多”。 那年全国毕业生700余万,就业率超九成,复旦学生租游艇办毕业舞会,女孩们花两千元买晚礼服,夜游江海。 那年世界的齿轮咬合稳定,中美迎来建交35周年。美国民调中,超72%年轻人,将中国视为“朋友”。 夏天前,奥巴马夫人到访,体验了长城、紫禁城与成都火锅。 慕田峪长城上,总统夫人看燕山起伏,觉得一切宽阔且美妙,“长城的长度几乎相当于从美国缅因州到俄勒冈州的四倍”。 那年的国运也如山峦起伏。 夏天时,股市清冷,七成账户闲置,股民调侃关灯吃面,7月IPO开闸,并购潮掀起,年底股市单日放量7100亿,狂飙冲天。 楼市故事也相似。十年前的五一,房企奄奄一息,北京楼盘推出零首付,南京楼盘跳远减十万,上海房展出动比基尼美女吸引眼球。9月楼市松绑,炒房客陷入狂欢。 十年前的人们尚不知卷与颓,偶有下挫,也认为不过是插曲,对一切满怀自信。 贾跃亭宣布要造超级互联网汽车,罗永浩宣布要发布东半球最好用的手机。真正手机大卖的是小米,第一季度销量超过苹果。 夏天过后,雷军去乌镇参加首届互联网大会。他磕磕巴巴说,梦想还是要有,万一实现呢? 那年乌镇最风光还是BAT,三家都在硅谷设立了分支,李彦宏说机会太多,他很着急: 我们其实处在非常有意思的时代,这是魔幻一般的时代,正好我们这一代人赶上互联网的兴起。 入夜,乌镇白墙黑瓦水音桨声。丁磊拼起旧木桌,摆起乌镇宴,座中人微博记录:十几瓶黄酒喝去,陈年故事吐出,煮酒笑谈云中事,天罗地网立旌旗。 未被邀请的马云,才是那年真正的主角。十年前的夏天,阿里启动全球最大规模IPO。 上市前,马云发内部邮件,建议员工不要挥霍,处理好财富,“我们这么辛苦,可不是为了变成一群土豪”。 当年9月,阿里上市,马云登顶中国首富,万名阿里员工成千万富翁,宝马销售和房产中介堵在阿里园区门口。 十年前的夏天蒸腾如梦,浩荡热风吹过中国。北京高温刷新了1951年以来纪录,居民用水多喝出4.5个昆明湖。 济南、上海、重庆、吐鲁番尽成火炉,更大热浪在互联网彩票服务器上。那年是巴西世界杯,足彩卖出23亿。 在广州,恒大正在冲击中超三连冠,教练席上,新任助教李铁说,有很多东西不是金钱所能衡量,“我给自己十年左右的时间,争取成为国家队的主教练”。 那个夏天,恒大冰泉形象代

中国房地产泡沫早有警示信号,为何无人悬崖勒马? - 华尔街日报

纽约对冲基金经理奎林(Parker Quillen)在中国北方参观一个名为天津环亚国际(Tianjin Goldin Metropolitan)的华丽新项目时,他想知道开发商究竟会用何种方式吸引客户。 该项目的公寓起价为100万美元,此外,还计划建造一座比帝国大厦还高大的写字楼、一座歌剧院以及若干购物中心和酒店。项目总面积将超过摩纳哥的土地面积。 有吸引买家的计划吗?奎林问道。带他参观的营销代理回答说,马球。 奎林记得那人答道:“正是。” 这位营销人员当时身着马球服,带着奎林穿过一个内有100多匹马球马的马厩。奎林询问了环亚的创始人是否对该项目进行过可行性研究。该营销人员说不知道。这名创始人是一位靠销售电脑显示器致富的亿万富翁马球爱好者。 奎林说:“然后我就明白了,这个项目的想法是,国际高管会来到天津,在这里设立公司总部,理由是他们喜欢马球。”他表示:“我当时想,天哪。” 回到纽约后,奎林将更多资金投入到对中国房地产类股的做空押注中。 那是2016年,正是中国房地产热潮刚刚兴起的大好时光。即便在那时,对于任何一个有心观察的人来说,真相都显而易见: 这股热潮已经变成泡沫——而且很可能会以非常糟糕的结局收场。 然而,泡沫继续恶化,因为没有人希望盛宴终结。中国的开发商、购房者、房地产中介,甚至是为这场繁荣提供资金支持的华尔街银行,都忽视了警示信号。 开发商在投行人士和律师的帮助下,想方设法掩盖他们背负的债务金额。购房者虽然怀疑房地产市场过度膨胀,但还是在继续买房。寻求丰厚回报的中外投资者为开发商提供了大量资金。 大家当时都有一个似乎无懈可击的假设,即中国政府绝不会允许房地产市场崩溃。中国人把大部分财富都投资在了住房上。如果允许楼市暴跌,民众的大部分积蓄可能会化为乌有,对共产党的信心也会涣散。 现在,中国正为没有及早采取行动控制这一切付出代价。 目前已有50多家中国开发商拖欠国际债务。专注中国房地产的民间智库可研(Keyan)称,约有50万人失去了工作。全中国约有2,000万套住宅尚未完工,估计需要4,400亿美元才能完工。 3月份,中国主要城市二手房价格下跌5.9%。地方政府由于失去了向开发商出售土地的收入,在偿还债务方面面临困难。随着房地产和相关行业对经济增长的拖累加大,整体经济变得脆弱。房地产和相关行业一度占到中国国内生产总值的25%左右。 “一文不值” 2016年,

数千亿美元资金如何绕开管制逃离中国 - WSJ

  经济学家和《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal) 的一项数据分析显示,过去几年中国资本外逃规模似乎令 2015 年和 2016 年相形见绌,那时的中国正遭遇着上一轮房地产市场低迷,引发了以美元计价的最大的一波资本外流。 《华尔街日报》的统计显示,在截至今年 6 月底的四个季度里,可能有多达 2,540 亿美元的资金非法流出中国。这超过了近 10 年前的那波资本外逃,当时的资金外流曾引发人们对中国可能爆发金融危机的担忧。但对这类资金外流的估计本身并不精确,而且,由于现在中国整体经济规模比当时大得多,资本外逃占中国经济总量的比例似乎也小于当时。 一些没有被统计在内的资金可能包括滞留在海外的出口收入,这些资金没有被带回中国,而是留在海外享受更高的存款利率和投资机会。 即便如此,这种现象对中国决策者来说仍值得担忧。在中国官员专注于严格管理人民币汇率之际,资本外流加大了人民币的压力,不过中国政府近期为刺激经济而采取的措施正在提振人民币和中国股市,可能会促使人们暂时将更多资金留在中国。 大批资本逃离也突显出一个事实,那些有资源,有财力,能把资金带出国门的人,对中国经济的发展道路越来越没有信心。 心灰意冷的投资者 为了绕开政府管制,人们用上了各种老办法,比如将贵重物品运往海外,或是为进口商品支付过高的价格,这些办法屡试不爽,但依然要冒风险。还有一些人想出了新点子,比如将装载着加密货币的电脑硬盘运往其他司法辖区,并在那里兑换成现金。 造成资金外流的原因包括新冠疫情,政府对民营部门的打击,以及人们广泛担心中国的高速增长时代已经结束。 国际货币基金组织 (International Monetary Fund, 简称 IMF) 数据显示,到本十年末,中国经济增速预计将从目前的 5% 左右放缓至 3% 左右,而 2020 年以前的增长率接近 7%。据巴克莱 (Barclays) 估计,2021 年以来,中国史诗级的房地产市场崩盘估计已导致约 18 万亿美元的家庭财富灰飞烟灭。 尽管中国政府最近出台的刺激措施(包括承诺加大财政支出)可能在一定程度上提振今年的经济增长,但现在断言这些措施能否带动经济持续复苏为时过早。 从长远来看,中国面临劳动力老龄化和萎缩带来的严峻挑战,而在贸易、安全和技术等一系列问题上,中国与美国领导的西方世界也陷入冲突。 中国官员试图用被抓

2023年8月,中国资本外流 490 亿美元,创 2015 年以来之最

2023年8月,中国资本外流 490 亿美元,创 2015 年以来之最,因为经济萎靡迫使投资者纷纷撤离。 彭博社汇编的国家外汇管理局数据显示,其中290亿美元流出证券投资。 上个月,外国投资者抛售了 120 亿美元的内地上市股票,创下历史新高,同时还抛售了中国债券。8 月份还出现了 168 亿美元的直接投资逆差,为 2016 年以来最严重的一次。 据彭博社报道,旅游旺季也使资本账户的下降更为严重,出境游给中国的服务业造成了损失。由于中国的入境游尚未恢复到以前的水平,服务贸易继续出现逆差。 中国上一次面临如此规模的资金外流是在 2015 年市场因货币意外贬值而陷入困境的时候。 在当前资本外流的情况下,中国政府采取了一些措施来支撑人民币,比如削减银行必须持有的外汇数量。   尽管如此,中国的离岸人民币(即在国外市场使用的自由流通货币)仍出现了大幅下跌。出口疲软和美国收益率日益增长的吸引力也助推人民币在 9 月份跌至 16 个月来的最低点。


WSJ: 短短10天,中国股市就从乏人问津变成了今年表现最佳的市场,香港金融服务公司Gavekal的负责人Louis-Vincent Gave认为中国牛市已开启。 周三上午,iShares安硕MSCI中国ETF上涨6%,至55.67美元。过去两周,该基金累计上涨35%,此前中国政府各部门协同推出了一系列措施来稳定经济,包括进一步降息,对六家最大银行进行资本重组以应对房地产危机导致的债务上升压力,以及承诺推出更多刺激措施。 部分刺激措施的规模和范围细节尚未披露,因此未来几周市场可能会出现一些波动,具体取决于中国政府公布的信息。尽管中国经济仍面临结构性挑战,家庭和企业信心遭受重创可能需要一段时间才能恢复,但投资者往往会在情况从极度糟糕变成只是糟糕时赚得盆满钵满,尤其是在大多数人此前出于地缘政治和经济担忧而避开中国市场的情况下。中国政府现在至少表现出了要解决国内经济问题的意图,这是一个值得注意的转变。“我们看到(投资者的)看法发生了变化,”资深亚洲观察人士Gave在一个网络研讨会上表示。“中国已经进入牛市。当牛市启动时,它们会自行加强势头。” 中国市场容易出现五年一次的牛熊交替周期,牛市期间通常会有100%的涨幅,Gave认为最近的上涨就是这样一个周期的开始。在这种势头的背后,是股市背景的180度大转弯,从一系列指标看,中国股票都被严重低估。糟糕的势头、政策逆风和人民币疲软等许多负面因素都已逆转。 “你现在不投资,什么时候投资?”Gave说。“股价低,势头好,现在政府又助一臂之力。这构成三重有利局面。” Gave之所以感到乐观,部分源于美联储在中国政府采取刺激行动之前就已降息。这一转变改变了汇率动态,也改变了许多中国企业家和其他人在香港或其他地方持有美元的理由。 那些在香港持有美元、在美联储降息前赚取5%利息的人,换算成人民币的回报率曾接近8%至10%,因为人民币此前一直在贬值。但由于美联储降息,上述计算已发生足够大的变化,这些投资者现在正寻找其他地方投资,比如中国股市——如果不在内地,就在香港。这种买盘为中国股市的暴涨提供了一定助力。 Gave表示,近年来,中国政府决定整顿房地产市场和民营部门,虽然一些人认为这样的行动是政策失误,但这原本可能是解决中国自身弱点的一项更广泛计划的一部分。他指出,随着美中关系恶化,中国债务水平不断上升,社会不平等加剧,还有对西方存在过度依赖