
揭开哈瓦那综合症:新证据将 GRU 的暗杀部队 29155 与对美国官员及其家人的神秘袭击联系起来


Tbilisi 第比利斯

He was tall, certainly taller than Joy’s neighbors and the Georgians she’d come to know in eight months of living in Dighomi, an upscale residential community in Tbilisi. He was young and thin and blonde and well-dressed — as if headed to the theater, or perhaps a wedding.

Minutes earlier on October 7, 2021, Joy, an American nurse and the wife of a U.S. Embassy official, had been taking her laundry out of the dryer when she was completely consumed by an acute ringing sound that reminded her of what someone in the movies experiences after a bomb has gone off. “It just pierced my ears, came in my left side, felt like it came through the window, into my left ear,” Joy remembers. “I immediately felt fullness in my head, and just a piercing headache.” She ran out of the laundry room on the second floor of her house and into the bathroom adjoining the master bedroom. Then she vomited.
几分钟前的2021年10月7日,美国护士、美国大使馆官员的妻子乔伊(Joy)正在从烘干机中取出衣物时,被一阵尖锐的铃声完全吞噬,这让她想起了电影中炸弹爆炸后的经历。 “它只是刺穿了我的耳朵, 从我的左侧进来,感觉就像它从窗户进来,进入我的左耳,“乔伊回忆道。“我立刻感到脑袋胀,头痛欲裂。”她跑出家二楼的洗衣房,跑进了与主卧室相邻的浴室。然后她呕吐了。

Joy and her husband, Hunter, a Justice Department attaché in the U.S. Embassy in Tbilisi, had only arrived in Georgia in Feb. 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 lockdown. Despite the “all-consuming” noise in her head, Joy called Hunter. (Both their names have been changed for this article to protect their identities.) As the spouse of a U.S. official serving abroad, she’d undergone overseas survival training and remembered that if something didn’t feel right, the first thing you do is “get off the X” – leave the location. Joy checked the house’s security camera at the front door to see if anyone was outside.

A black Mercedes crossover was parked just beyond the gate of her property, directly opposite her laundry room. Joy went outside, and that’s when she saw the tall, thin man. She raised her phone to photograph him.

“It was like he locked eyes with me. He knew what I was doing.” Then he got into the Mercedes, and it drove off. Joy took a picture of the car and its license plate as it pulled away. She says she didn’t see the man again until three years later, when she was shown a photograph of Albert Averyanov, a Russian operative attached to Unit 29155, a notorious assassination and sabotage squad of the GRU, Moscow’s military intelligence service.
“就像他盯着我一样。他知道我在做什么。然后他上了梅赛德斯,它开走了。乔伊在汽车驶离时拍了一张照片和车牌。她说,直到三年后,她才再次见到这名男子,当时她看到了一张隶属于29155部队的俄罗斯特工阿尔伯特·阿维里亚诺夫(Albert Averyanov)的照片,该部队是莫斯科军事情报机构GRU臭名昭著的暗杀和破坏小组。

Andrey Averyanov, founding commander of GRU Unit 29155
安德烈·阿维里亚诺夫(Andrey Averyanov),GRU 29155部队的创始指挥官
Screenshot of The Insider video interview with Christo Grozev
The Insider 对 Christo Grozev 的视频采访截图

Albert is not an ordinary Russian spy. Aged only 23 when this encounter took place, he was the son of the founding commander of Unit 29155, Gen. Andrei Averyanov, 56, who is now the powerful deputy director of the GRU, tasked with running the Kremlin’s foreign policy in Africa. To the public, he was a fresh graduate of Moscow State University, where he had earned a masters’ in “management of migration processes,” a topic in which his father took a keen interest. Even within the nepotistic GRU, Albert’s trajectory was unusually steep — a young cadet who was being groomed for a bright career in espionage. In 2019, only 20, he’d even interned in Geneva with the rezidentura of Unit 29155, disguising his visit to the international Swiss capital as legions of other Russian intelligence officers have: as an English language-learning trip. Such was Andrey’s desire to see his son follow in his footsteps that the GRU had to ignore its own rules of recruitment, which mandate officers blend in with their surroundings. As a 6’2” young blonde, Albert was conspicuous in any crowd, let alone a tony suburb of Tbilisi.
阿尔伯特不是普通的俄罗斯间谍。这次相遇时,他只有23岁,是29155部队创始指挥官安德烈·阿维里亚诺夫将军的儿子,现年56岁,他现在是GRU的强大副主任,负责管理克里姆林宫在非洲的外交政策。在公众看来,他是莫斯科国立大学的应届毕业生,在那里他获得了“移民过程管理”的硕士学位,他的父亲对这个话题非常感兴趣。即使在裙带关系的格鲁乌,阿尔伯特的轨迹也异常陡峭——他是一名年轻的学员,正在为间谍事业的光明职业而培养。2019 年,年仅 20 岁的他甚至在日内瓦与 29155 部队的 rezidentura 一起实习,伪装成他对瑞士国际首都的访问,就像其他俄罗斯情报官员一样:作为英语学习之旅。安德烈希望看到他的儿子追随他的脚步,以至于GRU不得不无视自己的招募规则,这些规则要求军官与周围环境融为一体。作为一个 6 英尺 2 英寸的年轻金发女郎,阿尔伯特在任何人群中都很显眼,更不用说第比利斯的托尼郊区了。

When Joy saw Albert’s face three years later, she had a “visceral” reaction. “I can absolutely say that this looks like the man that I saw in the street.”
'Non-lethal Acoustic Weapons'

A yearlong investigation by The Insider, in collaboration with 60 Minutes and Der Spiegel, has uncovered evidence suggesting that unexplained anonymous health incidents, also known as Havana Syndrome, may have their origin in the use of directed energy weapons wielded by members of Unit 29155.
The Insider 与 60 Minutes 和 Der Spiegel 合作进行了为期一年的调查,发现证据表明无法解释的匿名健康事件(也称为哈瓦那综合症)可能起源于 29155 部队成员使用的定向能武器。

Among this investigation’s core findings is the fact that senior members of the unit received awards and political promotions for work related to the development of “non-lethal acoustic weapons,” a term used in Russian military-scientific literature to describe both sound- and radiofrequency-based directed energy devices, as both would result in acoustic artifacts in the victim’s brain.

These and other operatives attached to Unit 29155, traveling undercover, have been geolocated to places around the world just before or at the time of reported anomalous health incidents — or AHIs, as the U.S. government formally refers to Havana Syndrome. Furthermore, Joy is not the only victim to identify a known member of this Russian black ops squad lurking around her home.
这些特工和其他隶属于29155部队的特工,卧底旅行,在报告的异常健康事件发生之前或之时,已被地理定位到世界各地 - 或AHI,美国政府正式称为哈瓦那综合症。此外,乔伊并不是唯一一个发现潜伏在她家周围的俄罗斯黑色行动小队的已知成员的受害者。

The first sighting may have happened exactly seven years earlier. Contrary to the information that has been made public about Havana Syndrome — that it began in the eponymous Cuban capital in 2016 — there were likely attacks two years earlier in Frankfurt, Germany, when a U.S. government employee stationed at the consulate there was knocked unconscious by something akin to a strong energy beam. The victim was later diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury, and was also able to identify a Geneva-based Unit 29155 operative. (The incident occurred within months of Russia’s 2014 invasion of Ukraine, in which a stealthy, nearly bloodless seizure of the Crimean peninsula in Feb. and Mar. 2014 gave way to a roiling eight-year-long dirty war in the eastern industrial heartland of Donbas, close to Ukraine’s border with Russia.)

The Insider, 60 Minutes and Der Spiegel have uncovered documentary evidence that Unit 29155 has been experimenting with exactly the kind of weaponized technology experts suggest is a plausible cause for the mysterious medical condition that has to date affected over a hundred far-flung U.S. spies and diplomats, as well as several Canadian officials. Many are seasoned subject matter specialists on Russia, fluent in the language; others have expertise in different fields, such as the Middle East or Latin America, but were assigned after the takeover of Crimea to sensitive U.S. government roles aimed at countermanning Russian aggression and intelligence operations across Europe and North America.
《内幕》(The Insider)、《60分钟》(60 Minutes)和《明镜周刊》(Der Spiegel)发现了文件证据,证明29155部队一直在试验专家认为的那种武器化技术,这是迄今为止影响过一百多名美国间谍和外交官以及几名加拿大官员的神秘医疗状况的合理原因。许多人是经验丰富的俄语主题专家,精通俄语;其他人则在中东或拉丁美洲等不同领域拥有专业知识,但在克里米亚被接管后被分配到美国政府的敏感角色,旨在对抗俄罗斯在欧洲和北美的侵略和情报行动。

Unit 29155, moreover, is infamous within the U.S. intelligence community. “Their scope is global for conducting lethal operations and acts of sabotage,” a former high-ranking CIA officer with subject matter expertise in Russia told The Insider. “Their mission is to find, fix, and finish, all in support of Vladimir Putin’s imperial dreams.”
此外,29155部队在美国情报界臭名昭著。“他们的范围是全球性的,可以进行致命的行动和破坏行为,”一位在俄罗斯具有主题专业知识的前中央情报局高级官员告诉The Insider。“他们的任务是寻找、修复和完成,所有这些都是为了支持弗拉基米尔·普京的帝国梦想。”
“Unit 29155's scope is global for conducting lethal operations and acts of sabotage. Their mission is to find, fix, and finish, all in support of Vladimir Putin’s imperial dreams.”

Originally conceived as a training unit within the GRU, it was reorganized and expanded in 2008 as an operations team devoted to assassination, sabotage, and political destabilization campaigns across the world. Three members of this unit, Col. Alexander Mishkin, Col. Anatoliy Chepiga and Maj. Gen. Denis Sergeev, were responsible for poisoning British double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia with the military-grade nerve agent Novichok in Salisbury, England in 2018. In 2015, Denis Sergeev and other unit members twice poisoned Bulgarian arms dealer Emilian Gebrev with a similar organophosphate weapon, almost certainly because Gebrev’s company, EMCO, was selling ammunition to Georgia and Ukraine, two countries that had recently been at war with Russia. Unit 29155 also used Serbian mercenaries to orchestrate a failed coup in Montenegro on the eve of that nation’s accession to NATO in 2016. As The Insider was the first to report, the unit was responsible for a series of explosions at ammunition and weapons depots across Bulgaria and Czechia — explosions which began in 2011, two years after Unit 29155’s reconstitution as a black ops squad and right in the middle of the Obama administration’s “reset” with Moscow. (These operations injured or killed dozens of innocent bystanders; their exposures have led to the expulsion of 19 Russian diplomats from Sofia and Prague, respectively, as well as indictments by the Bulgarian government of all the Unit 29155 saboteurs implicated in bombings in that country.) More recently, members of the unit were deployed as an advanced sabotage-and-kill team in Ukraine in the days ahead of Russia’s full-scale invasion of the country, in late Feb. 2022.
它最初被设想为GRU内部的一个培训单位,于2008年重组和扩大为一个致力于暗杀,破坏和政治破坏运动的行动团队。该部队的三名成员亚历山大·米什金上校、阿纳托利·切皮加上校和丹尼斯·谢尔盖耶夫少将于 2018 年在英国索尔兹伯里用军用级神经毒剂诺维乔克毒害了英国双重间谍谢尔盖·斯克里帕尔和他的女儿尤利娅。2015年,丹尼斯·谢尔盖耶夫(Denis Sergeev)和其他部队成员两次用类似的有机磷武器毒害了保加利亚军火商埃米利安·格布雷夫(Emilian Gebrev),几乎可以肯定是因为格布雷夫的公司EMCO正在向格鲁吉亚和乌克兰出售弹药,这两个国家最近与俄罗斯交战。29155部队还利用塞尔维亚雇佣军在2016年黑山加入北约前夕策划了一场失败的政变。正如 The Insider 率先报道的那样,该部队对保加利亚和捷克的弹药库和武器库的一系列爆炸负责——爆炸始于 2011 年,即 29155 部队重组为黑色行动小队的两年后,正好在奥巴马政府与莫斯科“重置”的中间。(这些行动造成数十名无辜旁观者受伤或死亡;他们的暴露分别导致19名俄罗斯外交官被驱逐出索非亚和布拉格,以及保加利亚政府起诉所有参与该国爆炸事件的29155部队破坏者。最近,在 2022 年 2 月下旬俄罗斯全面入侵乌克兰之前的几天里,该部队的成员被部署为一支先进的破坏和杀戮小组。

Unlike other teams within Russia’s sprawling intelligence apparatus, this one doesn’t spy on people, at least not for the sake of gathering information. It is devoted exclusively to so-called kinetic — i.e. violent — military operations. Its predecessor and analog was the Soviet KGB’s department devoted to “special tasks,” which conducted assassinations and acts of terrorism abroad. Its most sinister spadework included killing Ukrainian nationalists in Europe with bombs and cyanide guns and plunging an ice-axe into the skull of exiled revolutionary Leon Trotsky in Mexico in 1940.
与俄罗斯庞大的情报机构中的其他团队不同,这个团队不会监视人们,至少不是为了收集信息。它专门用于所谓的动能——即暴力——军事行动。它的前身和类似部门是苏联克格勃的部门,该部门致力于“特殊任务”,在国外进行暗杀和恐怖主义行为。它最险恶的锹头包括用炸弹和氰化物枪杀死欧洲的乌克兰民族主义者,以及 1940 年在墨西哥将冰镐插入流亡革命者列昂·托洛茨基的头骨。

Havana Syndrome, itself long thought to be the accrued biological effect caused by a different kind of unique weapon, encompasses a variation of symptoms including: chronic headaches, vertigo, tinnitus, insomnia, nausea, lasting psychophysiological impairment, and, in some cases, blindness or hearing loss. Many victims have said they were fine one minute, then stricken with an intense pain or pressure in their skull the next — usually localized to one side of the head, as if they were caught in a beam of concentrated energy. A good number have been diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injuries. Others have suffered such severe long-term cognitive and vestibular aftereffects that they can no longer function on a day-to-day basis and have been medically retired from government service.

Joy has suffered from headaches every day for the past three years. She has also undergone two surgeries for semicircular canal dehiscence (the appearance of holes in the bony walls that encase her inner ears). She will need a third surgery to address the rapid deterioration of her temporal bone, a condition she says her neurosurgeon cannot explain.
Havana Syndrome first gained public attention in 2017 in connection with strange ailments affecting more than twenty CIA and State Department officials posted to Cuba in the wake of revivified diplomatic relations between the Obama administration and the government headed by Fidel Castro’s brother Raúl.

Havana Syndrome first gained public attention in 2017 in connection with strange ailments affecting more than twenty CIA and State Department officials posted to Cuba in the wake of revivified diplomatic relations between the Obama administration and the government headed by Fidel Castro’s brother Raúl. The cases were recorded in Havana between May 2016 and September 2017, when the Trump administration radically reduced the State Department’s presence on the Caribbean island and the CIA withdrew all of its personnel from the reopened U.S. Embassy there. But few in the intelligence community believed the Cubans were behind the phenomenon. Given Moscow’s outsize influence on the Communist-run nation, the prevailing theory was that the Russians had carried out the attacks as part of an effort to hamper the U.S.-Cuban rapprochement.

Well over 100 AHI cases have been cited worldwide, affecting American spies, diplomats, military officers, contractors, and, in some instances, their spouses, children, and even household pets. Medically confirmed symptoms have been reported as far afield as Guangzhou, China, and as close to home as Washington, D.C. One victim was a senior official in the Trump-era National Security Council who became temporarily asphasic and whose body went numb right outside the Eisenhower Executive Building in mid-November 2020. Another was CIA Director Bill Burns’s then-deputy chief of staff, who was hit in Delhi in September 2021, causing Burns to cut short official visits to India and Pakistan. That same year, the Biden Administration signed into law the Havana Act, which provides six-figure compensation for confirmed victims of AHIs.
全世界已经引用了 100 多起 AHI 案件,影响到美国间谍、外交官、军官、承包商,在某些情况下,还影响到他们的配偶、孩子,甚至家庭宠物。远至中国广州,近至华盛顿特区,均有医学确诊症状。其中一名受害者是特朗普时代国家安全委员会的一名高级官员,他于2020年11月中旬在艾森豪威尔行政大楼外暂时变得精神错乱,身体麻木。另一位是中央情报局局长比尔·伯恩斯(Bill Burns)当时的副幕僚长,他于2021年9月在德里遭到袭击,导致伯恩斯缩短了对印度和巴基斯坦的正式访问。同年,拜登政府签署了《哈瓦那法案》,该法案为已确认的AHI受害者提供六位数的赔偿。

There is a reason why the Havana Act only came into force in 2021: for the past eight years, Havana Syndrome has been the subject of intense controversy. Sociologists have suggested it is little more than a mass psychogenic illness, or perhaps the outbreak of mass hysteria. Such arguments have been undercut by multiple medical studies, including one conducted by an expert panel convened by the U.S. intelligence community. The final assessment of that investigation found that AHIs had “a unique combination of core characteristics that cannot be explained by known environmental or medical conditions and could be due to external stimuli.” Nevertheless, in Mar. 2023, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) issued a redacted report stating that it was “very unlikely” that AHIs were caused by a foreign adversary. This assessment has sent shockwaves among the hundreds of former and current intelligence officers and their family members who believe they have suffered significant and often irreversible health consequences at the hands of an enemy force. As a result, many of these victims feel betrayed by their government for neglecting to identify the culprit for their predicament.
《哈瓦那法案》在2021年才生效是有原因的:在过去的八年里,哈瓦那综合症一直是激烈争议的主题。社会学家认为,这只不过是一种大规模的心因性疾病,或者可能是大规模歇斯底里的爆发。这些论点已被多项医学研究所削弱,其中包括由美国情报界召集的专家小组进行的一项研究。该调查的最终评估发现,AHI具有“核心特征的独特组合,无法用已知的环境或医疗条件来解释,可能是由于外部刺激。尽管如此,2023 年 3 月,美国国家情报总监办公室 (ODNI) 发布了一份经过编辑的报告,指出 AHI “极不可能”是由外国对手引起的。这一评估在数百名前任和现任情报官员及其家人中引起了震动,他们认为他们在敌军手中遭受了重大且往往是不可逆转的健康后果。结果,这些受害者中的许多人感到被政府背叛了,因为他们忽视了找出造成他们困境的罪魁祸首。

The Insider and its investigative partners have uncovered new evidence — in the form of intercepted Russian intelligence documents, travel logs, and call metadata, along with eyewitness testimony — the totality of which challenges the assessment made by the ODNI. Adam, a pseudonym adopted by Patient Zero, the first CIA officer to be stricken with Havana Syndrome in Cuba, told The Insider, “What this long-term investigation has shown is that either the intelligence community is incapable of carrying out its most basic function, or it has worked to cover up the facts and gaslight injured employees and the public.”
The Insider 及其调查合作伙伴发现了新的证据——以截获的俄罗斯情报文件、旅行日志和通话元数据以及目击者证词的形式——这些证据的全部内容对 ODNI 的评估提出了质疑。亚当是第一位在古巴患上哈瓦那综合症的中央情报局官员零号病人的化名,他告诉内幕人士,“这项长期调查表明,情报界要么无法履行其最基本的职能,要么它一直在努力掩盖事实并点燃伤害雇员和公众。

Greg Edgreen, a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army, set up the working group investigating Havana Syndrome for the Defense Intelligence Agency, or DIA, from 2020 to 2023. The role gave him access to classified intelligence compiled not just by the Pentagon, but by other agencies within the U.S. intelligence community. In response to this investigation, Edgreen told 60 Minutes: “If I'm wrong about Russia being behind anomalous health incidents, I will come onto your show. And I will eat my tie.”
美国陆军中校格雷格·埃德格林 (Greg Edgreen) 于 2020 年至 2023 年为国防情报局 (DIA) 成立了调查哈瓦那综合症的工作组。这个角色使他不仅可以接触到五角大楼的机密情报,还可以接触到美国情报界其他机构收集的机密情报。作为对这项调查的回应,埃德格林告诉《60分钟》:“如果我对俄罗斯是异常健康事件的幕后黑手的看法是错误的,我会参加你的节目。我要吃掉我的领带。

The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence is currently investigating how U.S. spy agencies reached their nothing-to-see-here assessment in March 2023. Given the DIA working group’s contribution to the ODNI report, which acknowledges varying levels of confidence reached by different agencies, Edgreen’s unambiguous attribution of culpability to Moscow should raise eyebrows in the U.S. intelligence community and in Congress. Another organization said to be skeptical that a foreign adversary is not behind Havana Syndrome is the National Security Agency, which deals in signals intelligence, or intercepted communications.
众议院常设情报特别委员会目前正在调查美国间谍机构如何在 2023 年 3 月达成他们无所事事的评估。鉴于DIA工作组对ODNI报告的贡献,该报告承认不同机构达成的不同程度的信心,埃德格林明确地将罪责归咎于莫斯科应该引起美国情报界和国会的注意。另一个据说怀疑外国对手不是哈瓦那综合症幕后黑手的组织是国家安全局,该机构负责处理信号情报或截获的通信。
The Son Also Rises 儿子也复活了

Joy’s identification of Albert Averyanov outside her home in Tbilisi is backed up by two U.S. government officials who told 60 Minutes that the Russian operative was indeed in the Georgian capital around the time of her attack.

Just a few short years before his graduation from Moscow State University in 2019, Albert was already being groomed by his father at 16 to take over Unit 29155. Albert unofficially “trained” in Geneva under the supervision of Col. Egor Gordienko, 45, who was then stationed in the city under diplomatic cover as Russia’s second trade representative at the World Trade Organization. Following his apprenticeship, Albert became an active member of Unit 29155, as evidenced by call data The Insider, 60 Minutes, and Der Spiegel obtained demonstrating his constant communication with other operatives from the group, as well as travel records showing his joint trips with known 29155 officers.

A childhood photo of Albert Averyanov, posted on his now-defunct VKontakte social media account

For a GRU operative, Albert lives a remarkably open life on social media. He plays basketball and soccer and travels by plane around the world under his legal name, posting updates of his game history with the Moscow-based amateur Evian soccer club (zero goals in 60 matches), and photos of himself with his girlfriend, Nastya, on joyrides in his Mercedes-Benz ML/GLE. But as has already been noted, Albert’s travels haven’t always been of the touristy kind. Leaked airline data shows that some of his most eyebrow-raising flights are booked by Unit 29155’s human resources department.
作为一名GRU特工,阿尔伯特在社交媒体上过着非常开放的生活。他打篮球和踢足球,并以他的法定姓名乘飞机环游世界,发布他在莫斯科业余依云足球俱乐部的比赛历史更新(60场比赛零进球),以及他与女友Nastya的照片,在他的梅赛德斯-奔驰ML / GLE的兜风中。但正如已经指出的那样,阿尔伯特的旅行并不总是旅游型的。泄露的航空公司数据显示,他最引人注目的一些航班是由29155部队的人力资源部门预订的。

For example, both Albert and his father Andrey Averyanov left Moscow on September 30, 2021, eight days before Joy spotted the person she believes was Averyanov the younger outside her home in Tbilisi. Father and son flew to Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and only returned to Moscow eleven days later, on October 10. But Tashkent was not their final destination.
例如,阿尔伯特和他的父亲安德烈·阿维里亚诺夫(Andrey Averyanov)都于2021年9月30日离开莫斯科,八天后乔伊在第比利斯的家外发现了她认为是小阿维里亚诺夫的人。父子俩飞往乌兹别克斯坦塔什干,11天后,即10月10日才返回莫斯科。但塔什干并不是他们的最终目的地。

Andrey turned off his phone in the Russian capital and never switched it back on until he had landed on October 10, calling his driver from the airport. Albert took his with him and did not immediately switch it off. He received a call from an unidentified Uzbek number at 8:04 a.m. on October 1, the morning after he and Andrey had arrived in Tashkent. Albert’s phone was then turned off. Thirty-six minutes later, at 8:40 a.m., a flight took off from Tashkent to Tbilisi. (There were no direct flights between Russia and the Georgian capital in 2021, owing to a diplomatic spat between the two countries, and members of Unit 29155 anyway use decoy transit destinations to avoid being traced to a particular attack or incident, as The Insider has as previously reported.)
安德烈在俄罗斯首都关掉了手机,直到10月10日降落后才重新开机,从机场打电话给司机。艾伯特随身携带,并没有立即关掉它。10月1日上午8点04分,也就是他和安德烈抵达塔什干的第二天早上,他接到了一个身份不明的乌兹别克号码打来的电话。然后,艾伯特的手机关机了。36分钟后,上午8时40分,一架航班从塔什干飞往第比利斯。(2021 年,由于两国之间的外交争吵,俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚首都之间没有直飞航班,正如 The Insider 之前报道的那样,29155 部队的成员无论如何都使用诱饵过境目的地来避免被追踪到特定的袭击或事件。

Over the next ten days, Albert’s phone remained off, meaning that its geolocation metadata for this period cannot be obtained. What is visible is that the phone was roaming, and Albert’s cellular plan did not allow for him to receive incoming calls or connect to the internet. However, on the evening of October 9, the eve of the father-son duo’s return trip from Tashkent to Moscow, Albert evidently turned his phone back on because he received an automated message from his mobile operator, Beeline, welcoming him to Uzbekistan. That message indicates that Albert had been outside the country in the preceding days, and had only re-entered Uzbekistan on the day before his onward trip to Moscow.

When The Insider telephoned Albert to ask if he was in Tbilisi at the time of the alleged attacks on U.S. diplomats and their families, he listened to the question, then over-excitedly asked who was on the other end of the line. “Stop, stop, who’s calling me?” When told it was the editor-in-chief of The Insider, he immediately hung up.
The Frankfurt Attacks 法兰克福袭击事件

Seven years earlier and almost two thousand miles to the West, in November 2014 in Frankfurt, Germany, two separate attacks had occurred one after the other, according to multiple sources. One of those sources, Mark Lenzi, 49, is a current State Department official.
据多个消息来源称,七年前,在向西近两千英里的2014年11月,在德国法兰克福,发生了两起独立的袭击事件。其中一位消息人士,49岁的马克·伦齐(Mark Lenzi)是现任国务院官员。

Lenzi, his wife, son, and daughter, were all medevaced from Guangzhou, China in early June 2018 after they each failed brain injury tests. According to Lenzi, he and his family have been compensated by the U.S. government with “more than a million dollars because of our diagnosed traumatic brain injuries” in a combination of civil litigation settlements and Havana Act payments. In November 2014, Lenzi was working in the U.S. Consulate in Frankfurt as its regional security officer when his colleagues succumbed to the same health incident that he and his household would experience years later on another continent.
2018年6月初,伦齐、他的妻子、儿子和女儿在脑损伤测试失败后,都从中国广州被救出。根据伦齐的说法,他和他的家人已经得到了美国政府的赔偿,“由于我们诊断出的创伤性脑损伤超过一百万美元”,包括民事诉讼和解和《哈瓦那法案》的付款。2014 年 11 月,Lenzi 在美国驻法兰克福领事馆担任区域安全官员时,他的同事们死于多年后他和他的家人在另一个大陆经历的相同健康事件。
“The 2014 Frankfurt attacks were always key in that they came before the Cuba and China hits and should have received the most attention from the U.S. Government.”

“The 2014 Frankfurt attacks were always key in that they came before the Cuba and China hits and should have received the most attention from the U.S. Government,” Lenzi told The Insider, 60 Minutes, and Der Spiegel.
“2014年法兰克福袭击事件一直是关键,因为它们发生在古巴和中国袭击之前,应该受到美国政府的最大关注,”伦齐告诉The Insider,60分钟和明镜周刊。

One victim, according to Lenzi and other sources, was a U.S. government employee at the consulate, whom The Insider will call Taylor. For Taylor, the symptoms began as an intense feeling of pressure, which started in the torso and radiated up to the head and neck. Then there was nausea, followed by a “high-pitched squeal.” Taylor raced to a bathroom to vomit before collapsing unconscious on the floor. At St. Marie Hospital, located within minutes of the consulate, Taylor was diagnosed by German doctors on November 4, 2014 with vestibular neuronitis, the sudden onset of vertigo, replete with nausea, vomiting, and a rise in blood pressure. Once back in the United States, Taylor was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury.
根据伦齐和其他消息来源的说法,一名受害者是领事馆的一名美国政府雇员,内幕人士将称他为泰勒。对于泰勒来说,症状始于强烈的压力感,这种压力感从躯干开始,一直辐射到头部和颈部。然后是恶心,然后是“尖锐的尖叫声”。泰勒跑到浴室呕吐,然后倒在地板上失去知觉。2014 年 11 月 4 日,在距离领事馆仅几分钟路程的圣玛丽医院,泰勒被德国医生诊断为前庭神经元炎、突然发作的眩晕、恶心、呕吐和血压升高。回到美国后,泰勒被诊断出患有创伤性脑损伤。

In the weeks leading up to the attack, Taylor remembers confronting a tall, muscular man with a military bearing acting suspiciously across the road from the consulate residential complex. The unknown man was dressed in casual street clothes, and was pacing the length of a housing unit while inspecting and photographing parked vehicles with U.S. diplomatic plates. After a brief exchange with Taylor, the man responded with a strong Russian accent, shutting down the encounter and running off.

Via a third party, The Insider, 60 Minutes and Der Spiegel was able to share with Taylor two photographs of Gordienko — later to become Albert Averyanov’s mentor — whom the investigative team has reason to believe had been in the Frankfurt area as part of an advance reconnaissance team just before the attack. One of the photographs was taken in 2015, the other in 2017. Taylor did not hesitate in confirming that Gordienko was the suspect skulking around outside U.S. consulate housing.
通过第三方,The Insider、60 Minutes 和 Der Spiegel 能够与泰勒分享两张戈尔迪延科的照片——后来成为阿尔伯特·阿维里亚诺夫的导师——调查小组有理由相信他在袭击发生前曾作为先遣侦察小组的一员在法兰克福地区。其中一张照片拍摄于2015年,另一张拍摄于2017年。泰勒毫不犹豫地证实,戈尔丁科就是在美国领事馆外偷偷摸摸的嫌疑人。

“Yes, that’s him,” Taylor said. “I’m getting goosebumps looking at him now.”

Egor Gordienko 叶戈尔·戈尔迪延科

Euromaidan and the New Era of Special Tasks

2014 was a busy year for Unit 29155. In the last months of 2013, as street protests against Ukraine’s former president, Viktor Yanukovich, were reaching boiling point, several members of the unit had been dispatched under cover identities into Ukraine, arguably to thwart a pro-Western revolution. The spies' efforts had clearly failed in Ukraine, and they were redirected to disrupting or hurting Ukraine’s partners abroad.
2014年对29155部队来说是忙碌的一年。2013年最后几个月,随着针对乌克兰前总统维克多·亚努科维奇(Viktor Yanukovich)的街头抗议活动达到沸点,该部队的几名成员被秘密派往乌克兰,可以说是为了挫败一场亲西方的革命。间谍在乌克兰的努力显然失败了,他们被重新定向到破坏或伤害乌克兰的海外伙伴。

One team of the unit’s operatives, traveling under fake identities to and from Europe, infiltrated a Czech Ministry of Defense-controlled munitions storage facility in the town of Vrbětice in the southeastern Moravian region of Czechia. They planted explosives and blew up a consignment of artillery ammunition, owned by Emilian Gebrev’s EMCO and believed by the GRU to have been bound for Ukraine. That same year, another Unit 29155 team made repeat trips to and from Germany. For instance, on January 26, 2014, Maj. Gen. Denis Sergeev and Alexander Mishkin landed in Prague. From there, travel data obtained by The Insider, 60 Minutes, and Der Spiegel show they took the train to Munich, where, on January 30, they rented a car. Sergeev and Mishkin’s whereabouts were lost for the next 40 hours, but they did return their rental car the next evening in Munich. Then they returned by train to Prague. Sergeev and Mishkin flew back to Moscow on February 2.
该部队的一队特工以假身份往返欧洲,潜入捷克东南部摩拉维亚地区弗尔贝蒂采镇的捷克国防部控制的弹药储存设施。他们埋设了炸药并炸毁了一批火炮弹药,这些弹药由埃米利安·格布雷夫的 EMCO 拥有,并被 GRU 认为是运往乌克兰的。同年,另一支29155部队小组多次往返德国。例如,2014年1月26日,丹尼斯·谢尔盖耶夫少将和亚历山大·米什金降落在布拉格。从那里,The Insider、60 Minutes和Der Spiegel获得的旅行数据显示,他们乘坐火车前往慕尼黑,1月30日,他们在那里租了一辆车。谢尔盖耶夫和米什金在接下来的40个小时里失去了下落,但他们确实在第二天晚上在慕尼黑归还了他们的租车。然后他们乘火车返回布拉格。谢尔盖耶夫和米什金于2月2日飞回莫斯科。
As a rule, spies always leave misleading traces in their air travel, avoiding trips directly to their destination of interest, and sometimes investing hours — or even days — in diversionary travel by train or car.

The use of a sinuous route is part of the GRU’s operational tradecraft — a means of throwing off counterintelligence services with false trails. As a rule, spies always leave misleading traces in their air travel, avoiding trips directly to their destination of interest, and sometimes investing hours — or even days — in diversionary travel by train or car. Additional motivation for the Russian spies to enter the common European space via a country different than the target destination was linked to the fact they had been issued visas by different European countries; the agents anticipated lesser scrutiny at the border if they entered through the country that had issued their visa.
使用蜿蜒的路线是GRU行动技巧的一部分 - 一种用虚假线索甩掉反间谍服务的手段。通常,间谍总是在他们的航空旅行中留下误导性的痕迹,避免直接前往他们感兴趣的目的地,有时还会花费数小时甚至数天的时间乘坐火车或汽车进行转移性旅行。俄罗斯间谍通过与目标目的地不同的国家进入欧洲共同空间的另一个动机与他们已获得不同欧洲国家签发的签证有关;特工们预计,如果他们通过签发签证的国家入境,边境的审查会减少。

What were Sergeev and Mishkin doing in Germany? Neither conducts pure espionage for the GRU, as their later operational activity makes clear. A year later, Sergeev would serve as the operational commander of Unit 29155 who oversaw the Gebrev poisonings – he’s even filmed on CCTV in the parking garage of Gebrev’s EMCO office building in Sofia, evidently searching for the target’s vehicle where, Bulgarian authorities believe, an organophosphate chemical weapon similar to Novichok was laced on the driver’s side door handle. Still later, Sergeev established an operational headquarters at a low-rent hotel in Paddington, London, while Mishkin, along with his Unit 29155 accomplice Antaoly Chepiga, took a train to Salisbury to slather Novichok contained in a false Nina Ricci perfume bottle on the front door handle of 47 Christie Miller Road, home to Sergei Skripal. Their travel to Central Europe strongly indicates they were on a similar mission, or laying the groundwork for one, such as reconnoitering a target.
谢尔盖耶夫和米什金在德国做了什么?两人都没有为GRU进行纯粹的间谍活动,正如他们后来的行动活动所表明的那样。一年后,谢尔盖耶夫将担任 29155 部队的作战指挥官,负责监督 Gebrev 中毒事件——他甚至在 Gebrev 位于索非亚的 EMCO 办公楼的停车场的闭路电视上拍摄,显然是在寻找目标的车辆,保加利亚当局认为,驾驶员侧门把手上系着类似于 Novichok 的有机磷化学武器。再后来,谢尔盖耶夫在伦敦帕丁顿的一家廉租酒店建立了一个行动总部,而米什金和他的 29155 部队同伙安塔奥利·切皮加 (Antaoly Chepiga) 乘火车前往索尔兹伯里,在谢尔盖·斯克里帕尔 (Sergei Skripal) 的家克里斯蒂米勒路 47 号的前门把手上涂上装在假尼娜·里奇香水瓶中的诺维乔克。他们前往中欧的旅行强烈表明他们正在执行类似的任务,或者为一项任务奠定基础,例如侦察目标。

Making this assumption even more persuasive is the fact that in late September 2014, members of Unit 29155 – Sergeev included – began a series of staggered trips to Central and Western Europe, trips which typically signify the preparatory phase for a major sabotage or assassination operation.

On September 25, Sergeev flew from Moscow to Milan. Several months earlier he had obtained an Italian-issued multi-entry Schengen visa, affording him easy access, absent any border control checks, to, at that time, 26 European countries including Switzerland. Yet, he preferred to enter the common European space via the country that had issued him the visa. That same day, Col. Evgeny Kalinin, another member of the unit, flew to Budapest posing as a Russian diplomatic mail courier. He returned to Moscow two days later. Finally, Gordienko, the Unit 29155 operative Taylor later saw milling about U.S. consulting housing in Frankfurt, arrived in Paris from Moscow on a French-issued Schengen visa.

Gordienko and Sergeev took trains from their respective decoy destinations to the same place, Geneva, where they checked into the Nash Airport hotel on the evening of September 26. Whether they stayed there or not is unknown but, on October 6, they registered new rooms at the Geneva Airport Novotel Suites — rooms they kept, according to receipts examined by The Insider, 60 Minutes and Der Spiegel, until October 13.
戈尔季延科和谢尔盖耶夫从各自的诱饵目的地乘坐火车前往同一个地方日内瓦,并于 9 月 26 日晚上入住纳什机场酒店。他们是否住在那里不得而知,但10月6日,他们在日内瓦机场诺富特套房酒店注册了新房间——根据The Insider、60 Minutes和Der Spiegel检查的收据,这些房间一直保留到10月13日。

On September 27, the day after they checked into the Nash hotel, Gordienko rented a car from Sixt for five days. (A subsequent car rental on October 2 was canceled.) No further digital traces were left by him or Sergeev until their return to Moscow via separate routes on October 13.
9 月 27 日,也就是他们入住纳什酒店的第二天,Gordienko 从 Sixt 租了一辆车,为期五天。(随后10月2日的租车被取消。他或谢尔盖耶夫在10月13日通过不同的路线返回莫斯科之前没有留下进一步的数字痕迹。

But the timing of this trip is telling. It tracks with when Taylor saw Gordienko in Frankfurt, weeks before the attack. Once ensconced in a hotel near Geneva’s airport which they kept booked for a total of 18 days, Gordienko and Sergeev could have easily boarded flights to and from Frankfurt using fictitious identities, given they were in the Schengen zone and thus subject to no internal security checks (most European airlines do not check ID documents upon boarding for intra-Schengen destinations)

They weren’t the only GRU operatives flying to the region.

On October 11, a trio of seemingly unrelated Russian tourists began descending on Western Europe, all traveling under fake identities. All three were members of Unit 29155.

The most senior of them was Col. Ivan Terentiev, a deputy to unit commander Andrey Averyanov. Equipped with an Italian visa, Terentiev flew from Moscow to Milan. His aide, Lt. Col. Nikolay Ezhov, flew from Moscow to Vienna, also on October 11.

Three days later, on October 15, Terentiev and Ezhov were joined by a third colleague, Danil Kapralov, a member of Unit 29155 with a medical background. Kapralov flew to Amsterdam. But booking data obtained by The Insider, 60 Minutes and Der Spiegel shows that on 15 October he checked in to the Starling Hotel Residence in Geneva and paid 3,000 Swiss francs (about $3,300) for his room through November 3.
三天后,即10月15日,捷伦季耶夫和叶佐夫与第三位同事丹尼尔·卡普拉洛夫(Danil Kapralov)一起加入,他是29155部队的成员,具有医学背景。卡普拉洛夫飞往阿姆斯特丹。但《内幕》(The Insider)、《60分钟》(60 Minutes)和《明镜周刊》(Der Spiegel)获得的预订数据显示,他于10月15日入住日内瓦的Starling Hotel Residence,并在11月3日之前支付了3000瑞士法郎(约合3300美元)的房间费。

Whatever Terentiev, Ezhov and Kapralov were in Western Europe to do, they clearly had to be done by that date, as all three purchased return tickets back to Moscow, each traveling from the point of arrival in Europe.

Taylor was knocked unconscious the next day, November 4.
The Ghosts of Kyiv Station

The winter of 2014 was also a busy time for Ukrainians.

Incensed by then-President Viktor Yanukovych’s about-face on his campaign promise to move the country closer to the European Union, thousands of citizens participated in a months-long protest movement that turned Kyiv’s central square — the Maidan — into a barricaded encampment. Euromaidan, the name given to the demonstration, culminated in late Feb. 2014 in a series of seismic events. The first was a violent crackdown on the protestors, instigated by Yanukovych’s security forces at the prompting of Russian intelligence, that involved the deployment of snipers to kill or wound more than 100 protesters. Soon after the massacre, Yanukovych, again with the help of Russian operatives, fled from Ukraine to Russia. Vladimir Putin had already ordered his military to occupy Crimea — home to Sevastopol, the headquarters of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet — and after an unfree, unfair, hastily organized “referendum,” the peninsula was illegally annexed by Russia on Mar. 18. But Russian forces did not stop there, unleashing a plausibly deniable proxy war in the eastern Ukrainian Donbas region in the guise of a “separatist” insurgency that, after a few months of heavy fighting, settled into a lower-level territorial standoff that simmered until Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in Feb. 2022.
时任总统维克多·亚努科维奇(Viktor Yanukovych)在竞选中承诺让该国更接近欧盟,这激怒了数千名公民,他们参加了长达数月的抗议运动,将基辅的中心广场——Maidan——变成了一个被封锁的营地。2014年2月下旬,Euromaidan在一系列地震事件中达到高潮。首先是亚努科维奇的安全部队在俄罗斯情报部门的推动下对抗议者的暴力镇压,其中包括部署狙击手杀死或伤害100多名抗议者。大屠杀发生后不久,亚努科维奇再次在俄罗斯特工的帮助下从乌克兰逃往俄罗斯。弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)已经命令他的军队占领克里米亚——俄罗斯黑海舰队总部塞瓦斯托波尔的所在地——在一场不自由、不公平、匆忙组织的“公投”之后,该半岛于3月18日被俄罗斯非法吞并。但俄罗斯军队并没有就此止步,他们以“分离主义”叛乱为幌子,在乌克兰东部顿巴斯地区发动了一场看似合理的代理人战争,经过几个月的激烈战斗,这场战争陷入了低级别的领土对峙,直到俄罗斯于 2022 年 2 月全面入侵乌克兰。

Largely as a result of Russia’s aggressive actions, a new political consensus was forming in the unoccupied parts of Ukraine. Ukraine’s push for independence in 1991 may have precipitated the collapse of the Soviet Union, but for the next two decades, Ukrainian society would remain divided between those who sought integration with Europe and those who favored a path that would keep the country closer to Russia — culturally and economically, if not politically. 2014 was a turning point. For the first time, polls showed a majority of Ukrainians favoring future membership in NATO, and even though Kyiv’s accession to the North Atlantic alliance likely remains years away, expanded intelligence cooperation does not require the consensus vote of NATO’s 32 member states.
主要是由于俄罗斯的侵略行动,乌克兰未被占领的地区正在形成新的政治共识。乌克兰在1991年推动独立可能促成了苏联的解体,但在接下来的二十年里,乌克兰社会将继续分裂,一派寻求与欧洲一体化,另一派则支持一条使国家更接近俄罗斯的道路——在文化和经济上,如果不是在政治上的话。2014年是一个转折点。民意调查首次显示,大多数乌克兰人赞成未来加入北约,尽管基辅加入北大西洋联盟可能还需要数年时间,但扩大情报合作并不需要北约 32 个成员国的一致投票。

As was recently reported by The New York Times, the CIA enormously expanded its cooperation with Ukraine’s military intelligence service, HUR, in the years following Euromaidan. Starting in 2015, that cooperation has transformed Kyiv into “one of Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin today,” according to the Times. Ukrainian spies trained by the CIA would later be deployed to Russia, Europe, and even Cuba. Today they are capable of launching drones at oil refineries and strategic railways deep inside Russia, even at the Kremlin itself. They have also destroyed a third of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet without the benefit of a bona fide Ukrainian navy.
正如《纽约时报》最近报道的那样,中央情报局在 Euromaidan 之后的几年里极大地扩大了与乌克兰军事情报机构 HUR 的合作。据《泰晤士报》报道,从 2015 年开始,这种合作已将基辅转变为“华盛顿当今对抗克里姆林宫最重要的情报伙伴之一”。由中央情报局训练的乌克兰间谍后来被部署到俄罗斯、欧洲甚至古巴。今天,他们能够向俄罗斯境内的炼油厂和战略铁路发射无人机,甚至在克里姆林宫本身。他们还摧毁了俄罗斯黑海舰队的三分之一,而没有真正的乌克兰海军。
Cooperation with the CIA since 2015 has transformed Kyiv into “one of Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin today,” according to the NYT
据《纽约时报》报道,自 2015 年以来与中央情报局的合作已将基辅转变为“华盛顿当今对抗克里姆林宫最重要的情报伙伴之一”

Distinguished HUR operatives, such as the service’s current director, Gen. Kyrylo Budanov, cut their teeth in a Ukrainian commando group, Unit 2245, trained by the CIA’s paramilitary force, or Ground Department. And Moscow was certainly aware of the collaboration. Russians blew up the car of Col. Maksim Shapoval, the head of Unit 2245, while he was on his way to meet with CIA officers from Kyiv Station, the agency’s office embedded within the U.S. Embassy.
杰出的 HUR 特工,例如该军种现任主任基里洛·布达诺夫将军,在由中央情报局准军事部队或地面部门训练的乌克兰突击队 2245 部队中崭露头角。莫斯科当然知道这种合作。俄罗斯人炸毁了 2245 部队负责人马克西姆·沙波瓦尔上校的汽车,当时他正在前往基辅站会见中央情报局官员的路上,基辅站是该机构位于美国大使馆内的办公室。

The hyperactive CIA outpost in the Ukrainian capital was, as one former U.S. intelligence official put it, responsible for “installing the plumbing” within HUR. The Insider, 60 Minutes and Der Spiegel can now reveal for the first time the extent to which that CIA station was subsequently impacted by Havana Syndrome.
正如一位前美国情报官员所说,中央情报局在乌克兰首都的过度活跃的前哨负责在HUR内“安装管道”。The Insider、60 Minutes 和 Der Spiegel 现在可以首次揭示中央情报局站随后受到哈瓦那综合症影响的程度。
The hyperactive CIA outpost in the Ukrainian capital was, as one former U.S. intelligence official put it, responsible for “installing the plumbing” within HUR
正如一位前美国情报官员所说,乌克兰首都的中央情报局前哨基地非常活跃,负责在 HUR 内“安装管道”

Two CIA officers posted to Kyiv during that period of intense collaboration between U.S. and Ukrainian intelligence later experienced AHIs after being posted to new missions overseas. One, the incoming chief of station in Hanoi, Vietnam, was hit while domiciled in temporary housing at the Oakwood Residence Suites hotel in the Vietnamese capital in August 2021, amid lockdown conditions connected to the COVID-19 pandemic. Another officer, who became deputy chief of station in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, was hit in his apartment in that city in December 2020, along with his wife and child. He and his family had to be medevaced out of Tashkent and received treatment at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. The incoming Hanoi chief of station was also medevaced out of Vietnam and received treatment at Walter Reed. Additionally, the wife of a third CIA officer who had served in Kyiv during the same critical time frame — roughly 2014 to 2017 — was hit in October 2021 in a cafe in London. She was treated locally in London and is also in the CIA.
在美国和乌克兰情报部门密切合作期间,两名被派往基辅的中央情报局官员后来在被派往海外执行新任务后经历了 AHI。其中一位是即将上任的越南河内站长,2021 年 8 月,在与 COVID-19 大流行相关的封锁条件下,他在越南首都奥克伍德华庭套房酒店的临时住所中遭到袭击。2020年12月,另一名成为乌兹别克斯坦塔什干警察局副局长的警官在该市的公寓里被击中,他的妻子和孩子也被击中。他和他的家人不得不被救出塔什干,并在沃尔特·里德国家军事医疗中心接受治疗。即将上任的河内站长也被送出越南,并在沃尔特·里德(Walter Reed)接受治疗。此外,2021 年 10 月,在同一关键时间段(大约 2014 年至 2017 年)在基辅服役的第三名中央情报局官员的妻子在伦敦的一家咖啡馆遭到袭击。她在伦敦当地接受治疗,也在中央情报局工作。

The cluster of Havana Syndrome cases that emerged from veterans of the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv was so worrisome to one of its number that he opted to resign from the CIA altogether rather than risk becoming a fourth victim.

Of all the cases examined by The Insider, 60 Minutes and Der Spiegel, the most well-documented involve U.S. intelligence and diplomatic personnel with subject matter expertise in Russia or operational experience in countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, two post-Soviet states that have undergone pro-Western “color revolutions” in the past two decades. (Some of these personnel are still active and declined to speak for this article.)
在《内幕》(The Insider)、《60分钟》(60 Minutes)和《明镜周刊》(Der Spiegel)调查的所有案件中,记录最充分的案件涉及美国情报和外交人员,他们在俄罗斯具有主题专业知识,或在格鲁吉亚和乌克兰等国家拥有行动经验,这两个后苏联国家在过去二十年中经历了亲西方的“颜色革命”。(其中一些人员仍然活跃,并拒绝为本文发言。

Putin himself has not shied away from laying blame for these pro-democratic protest movements at the doorstep of Langley or Foggy Bottom — or both. As recently as his Feb. 9 interview with former Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson, Putin peddled the conspiracy theory that Euromaidan was not the work of discontented Ukrainians at all. “The CIA completed its job in implementing the coup d’état,” the Russian head of state told Carlson.
普京本人并没有回避将这些亲民主的抗议运动归咎于兰利或雾谷的家门口——或两者兼而有之。就在2月9日接受前福克斯新闻主播塔克·卡尔森(Tucker Carlson)采访时,普京兜售了一种阴谋论,即Euromaidan根本不是不满的乌克兰人的作品。“中央情报局完成了实施政变的工作,”俄罗斯国家元首告诉卡尔森。

Putin would have every interest, in other words, in neutralizing scores of U.S. intelligence officers he deemed responsible for his loss of the former satellites or constituent pieces of the former Soviet empire. Ukraine is the lynchpin nation in Putin’s grand design to “reestablish the Soviet Union,” as President Biden phrased it on Feb. 24, 2022, the date of Russia’s full-scale invasion.
换言之,普京完全有兴趣消灭数十名美国情报官员,他认为这些官员对他失去前卫星或前苏联帝国的组成部分负有责任。正如拜登总统在 2022 年 2 月 24 日俄罗斯全面入侵之日所说的那样,乌克兰是普京“重建苏联”宏伟计划中的关键国家。

Greg Edgreen, the former DIA investigator of Havana Syndrome, told 60 Minutes, that his working group pored through “a large body of data, ranging from signals intelligence, human intelligence, open-source reporting. Anything regarding the internet, travel records, financial records, you name it. And we kept on seeing a number of data points. This was happening to our top 5%, 10% performing officers across the Defense Intelligence Agency. Consistently there was a Russia nexus. There was some angle where they had worked against Russia, focused on Russia, and done extremely well.”
前DIA哈瓦那综合症调查员格雷格·埃德格林(Greg Edgreen)告诉《60分钟》,他的工作组仔细研究了“大量数据,包括信号情报、人类情报、开源报告。任何关于互联网、旅行记录、财务记录的事情,应有尽有。我们不断看到一些数据点。这种情况发生在国防情报局表现最差的5%、10%的军官身上。一直存在与俄罗斯的联系。从某种角度来看,他们曾与俄罗斯合作,专注于俄罗斯,并且做得非常好。

Marc Polymeropolous is a highly decorated former CIA officer, whose last title was Chief of Operation for the agency’s Europe and Eurasia Mission Center, which is in charge of all clandestine activity in over forty countries. Polymeropoulos, now an MSNBC contributor, is also one of the most outspoken victims of Havana Syndrome, and an advocate for healthcare for fellow CIA officers affected by it. He was hit at the height of his career, in December 2017, while in Moscow on an official CIA visit to liaise with Russian counterparts about counterterrorism cooperation between Washington and Moscow. (In tandem with this investigation, The Insider is publishing his first-hand account of that experience and its aftermath, which forced his retirement from the CIA. His memoir can be read here.)
Marc Polymeropolous是一位功勋卓著的前中央情报局官员,他的最后一个头衔是该机构欧洲和欧亚大陆任务中心的行动主管,该中心负责四十多个国家的所有秘密活动。Polymeropoulos现在是MSNBC的撰稿人,也是哈瓦那综合症最直言不讳的受害者之一,也是受其影响的中央情报局官员的医疗保健倡导者。2017年12月,他在职业生涯的巅峰时期遭到打击,当时他正在莫斯科进行中央情报局的正式访问,与俄罗斯同行就华盛顿和莫斯科之间的反恐合作进行联络。(在这项调查的同时,《内幕》杂志还发表了他关于那次经历及其后果的第一手资料,这迫使他从中央情报局退休。他的回忆录可以在这里阅读。
“Assuming this is true, it certainly fits the pattern of the Russians seeking retribution for events they think we’re responsible for. As a former CIA case officer, I don’t believe in coincidences.”

The Insider, 60 Minutes and Der Spiegel presented Polymeropoulos with its findings: that multiple CIA officers who had worked cheek-by-jowl with HUR a decade or so ago were affected by Havana Syndrome later in their careers. “Assuming this is true, it certainly fits the pattern of the Russians seeking retribution for events they think we’re responsible for,” he said. “As a former CIA case officer, I don’t believe in coincidences.”
The Insider、60 Minutes 和 Der Spiegel 向 Polymeropoulos 展示了其调查结果:大约十年前与 HUR 合作的多名中央情报局官员在他们职业生涯的后期受到了哈瓦那综合症的影响。“假设这是真的,这当然符合俄罗斯人为他们认为我们负责的事件寻求报复的模式,”他说。“作为前中央情报局案件官员,我不相信巧合。
The GRUs Amazing Race GRUs 惊人的比赛

Just as reports of curious ailments experienced by U.S. officials working for the State and Commerce Departments began emerging from China in 2016 and 2017, one of Sergei Skripal’s poisoners crossed into the country, disguised among a group of Russian auto mechanics.
2016年和2017年,就在为国务院和商务部工作的美国官员经历奇怪疾病的报道开始从中国传出时,谢尔盖·斯克里帕尔(Sergei Skripal)的一名毒药者伪装成一群俄罗斯汽车修理工进入中国。

The Silk Way Rally, an off-road racing event, was founded in 2009 as a kind of intercontinental SCORE International. Originally limited to the expanse of Russia and Central Asia, by 2016 the course ran all the way from Moscow to Xi’an, an ancient city in China that once marked the easternmost end of the Silk Road. With legitimate sponsorship deals and celebrity offroad race car drivers — Vladimir Chagin, who holds the record for the most victories at the Dakar Rally, is director of Silk Way, and his number two is Frederic Lequien, the CEO of the FIA World Endurance Championship — the race covers a ground distance of nearly 4,400 miles. In other words, it’s a convenient conduit for moving people and hardware across the globe.
丝绸之路拉力赛是一项越野赛车赛事,成立于 2009 年,是一种洲际 SCORE 国际赛事。最初仅限于广阔的俄罗斯和中亚,到2016年,该路线从莫斯科一直延伸到中国古城习,曾经是丝绸之路的最东端。凭借合法的赞助协议和名人越野赛车手——在达喀尔拉力赛上保持最多胜利记录的弗拉基米尔·查金是丝绸之路的总监,他的第二名是国际汽联世界耐力锦标赛的首席执行官弗雷德里克·勒奎恩——这场比赛的地面距离接近 4,400 英里。换句话说,它是在全球范围内移动人员和硬件的便捷渠道。

Which is maybe why the Silk Way Rally is a GRU front.

Bulat Yanborisov, its head, was awarded his second Order of Nevsky, a prestigious Russian military award, by GRU Deputy Director Gen. Vladimir Alexeev at an elaborate ceremony in Moscow in April 2023. (A video of that ceremony was obtained by The Insider.)
2023 年 4 月,在莫斯科举行的精心仪式上,GRU 副主任弗拉基米尔·阿列克谢耶夫将军授予其负责人布拉特·扬博里索夫 (Bulat Yanborisov) 他的第二个涅夫斯基勋章,这是一项享有盛誉的俄罗斯军事奖项。(The Insider 获得了该仪式的视频。

Internal documents pertaining to Silk Way Rally also explicitly state that the true purpose of this seemingly apolitical sports competition is to create a “universal platform for people’s diplomacy,” premised on the notion of “Russia’s soft power.” The Kremlin hoped to unite Russia, China, Iran, Qatar, Afghanistan, Syria, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan, and to construct “logistics terminals” in each of these countries — complete with storage facilities and 5G communications hubs. (Expanded routes for the rally were meant to bypass these countries, but Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 put paid to that ambition.)
与丝绸之路拉力赛有关的内部文件也明确指出,这场看似非政治性的体育比赛的真正目的是以“俄罗斯软实力”的概念为前提,创造一个“人民外交的普遍平台”。克里姆林宫希望联合俄罗斯、中国、伊朗、卡塔尔、阿富汗、叙利亚、土库曼斯坦和塔吉克斯坦,并在这些国家中的每一个国家建造“物流码头”——包括存储设施和5G通信枢纽。(扩大集会路线是为了绕过这些国家,但俄罗斯在 2022 年入侵乌克兰使这一雄心壮志付诸东流。

However, this “soft power” mandate appears to have been simply a cover for the true functions of the Silk Way Rally. Yanborisov’s phone records show he was in constant communication with GRU spies, including members of Unit 29155. Using reverse face-search tools, The Insider was able to identify members of the unit who were disguised as staff working for the rally. The self-styled sports organization also purchased tickets for members traveling under false identities.
然而,这种“软实力”任务似乎只是丝绸之路拉力赛真正功能的幌子。扬博里索夫的电话记录显示,他一直与格鲁乌间谍保持联系,包括29155部队的成员。使用反向面部搜索工具,The Insider 能够识别出伪装成为集会工作人员的单位成员。这个自封的体育组织还为以虚假身份旅行的会员购买了门票。

One of these was the man who turned a sleepy English cathedral city into a quarantine zone.

On July 6, 2016, Alexander Mishkin, one of Unit 29155’s medical doctors and one of the two hitmen tasked by Andrey Averyanov with killing Sergei and Yulia Skripal with Novichok, embedded with a convoy of Silk Way Rally cars and trucks. His racing companions included other members of Unit 29155: Alexey Kalinin, who took part in one of the Bulgaria bombings in 2015; Alexey Tolstopyatenko, who runs the unit’s Azerbaijani and Turkish operations, posing as an ethnic Tajik; and Roman Puntus, an explosives expert now working in occupied Crimea.
2016 年 7 月 6 日,亚历山大·米什金 (Alexander Mishkin) 是 29155 部队的一名医生,也是安德烈·阿维里亚诺夫 (Andrey Averyanov) 指派的两名杀手之一,他与诺维乔克一起杀死了谢尔盖和尤利娅·斯克里帕尔,并嵌入了丝绸之路拉力赛汽车和卡车车队。他的赛车同伴包括 29155 部队的其他成员:阿列克谢·加里宁,他参加了 2015 年的保加利亚爆炸事件之一;阿列克谢·托尔斯托比亚坚科(Alexey Tolstopyatenko),负责该部队的阿塞拜疆和土耳其行动,冒充塔吉克族人;以及目前在被占领的克里米亚工作的爆炸物专家罗曼·蓬图斯(Roman Puntus)。

Leaked flight database shows Alexander Mishkin (Petrov) returning from Beijing and flying straight to St. Petersburg

Three days later, on July 9, the rally officially started, and any trace of the racers was lost for almost two weeks thereafter. Then, on July 25, Mishkin appeared on a flight from Beijing to Moscow, traveling on a joint booking together with Yanborisov, the Silk Way Rally head. Immediately upon his return, Mishkin traveled on to St. Petersburg to meet with Sergei Chepur, head of the Russian Defense Ministry’s Research Testing Institute of Military Medicine, the GRU’s entity for testing the effects of various types of toxic substances — such as the Novichok used to poison the Skripals — on the human body. Chepur is a consultant to Unit 29155 commander, Andrey Averyanov. Mishkin is one of Chepur’s former students.
三天后,即7月9日,拉力赛正式开始,此后近两周内,赛车手的任何踪迹都消失了。然后,在7月25日,米什金出现在从北京飞往莫斯科的航班上,与丝绸之路拉力赛负责人扬博里索夫一起预订。回国后,米什金立即前往圣彼得堡会见了俄罗斯国防部军事医学研究测试研究所所长谢尔盖·切普尔(Sergei Chepur),该研究所是GRU的实体,负责测试各种有毒物质(例如用于毒害斯克里帕尔人的诺维乔克)对人体的影响。切普尔是29155部队指挥官安德烈·阿维里亚诺夫(Andrey Averyanov)的顾问。米什金是切普尔以前的学生之一。

In 2017 the Silk Way Rally returned to China along the same racing route. This time, another member of Unit 29155, Sergey Avdeenko, joined the convoy, masquerading as a car technician. Avdeenko entered China on July 12 and flew from Xi’an to the Siberian city of Novosibirsk on July 23.
2017年,丝绸之路拉力赛沿着同一条赛道回到了中国。这一次,29155部队的另一名成员谢尔盖·阿夫登科(Sergey Avdeenko)伪装成汽车技术员加入了车队。阿夫登科于7月12日进入中国,并于7月23日从习飞往西伯利亚城市新西伯利亚。

Sergey Avdeenko, a member of Unit 29155, smiling in the background and disguised as staff at the Silk Way Rally in China in 2017
2017年,29155部队成员谢尔盖·阿夫登科(Sergey Avdeenko)在背景中微笑,伪装成中国丝绸之路拉力赛的工作人员

The summer of 2017 is when Mark Lenzi, the State Department official in Guangzhou, first began experiencing strange health problems, as did Catherine Werner, a Commerce Department official in the city. Like Lenzi, Werner would be medevaced out of China. She was diagnosed with an “organic brain injury.” The State Department ultimately evacuated more than ten of its people from Guangzhou.
2017年夏天,美国国务院驻广州官员马克·伦齐(Mark Lenzi)和商务部驻广州官员凯瑟琳·沃纳(Catherine Werner)首次开始出现奇怪的健康问题。像伦齐一样,维尔纳也会被赶出中国。她被诊断出患有“器质性脑损伤”。美国国务院最终从广州撤离了十多人。

Another U.S. Commerce Department official stationed in Beijing began having symptoms and hearing strange sounds and feeling pressure in her head while at home in October of 2017, just before a visit to China by President Trump that November. She was also medevaced for treatment in the United States.

Lenzi is a fluent Russian speaker who studied in Lithuania on a Fulbright scholarship and has worked in official capacities as a diplomat in Russia. “I absolutely believe my background on Russia is why I was targeted,” Lenzi told The Insider.
Lenzi 能说一口流利的俄语,曾获得富布赖特奖学金在立陶宛学习,并曾在俄罗斯担任外交官。“我绝对相信我在俄罗斯的背景是我成为目标的原因,”伦齐告诉The Insider。

“The U.S. government shrugs publicly about my family’s ordeal,” he said. “But U.S. government personnel behind closed doors have acknowledged to me that my and my family’s diagnosed traumatic brain injuries are due to exposure to high levels of pulsed microwave radiation.”

Pulsed microwave radiation is one of two technologies that scientists — including those assigned by the U.S. intelligence community to investigate Havana Syndrome — have theorized as the possible cause of the condition. The other is acoustic sound. Either of these approaches may result in the victim appearing to hear audible sounds, hums and clicks, through a phenomenon termed the Frey Effect, named for Allan H. Frey, the American scientist who first wrote about the microwave auditory effect.
脉冲微波辐射是科学家(包括美国情报界指派调查哈瓦那综合症的科学家)认为是导致这种疾病的可能原因的两种技术之一。另一种是声学。这两种方法中的任何一种都可能导致受害者似乎听到可听见的声音、嗡嗡声和咔嗒声,这种现象被称为弗雷效应,该效应以美国科学家艾伦·H·弗雷(Allan H. Frey)的名字命名,他首先撰写了关于微波听觉效应的文章。

Russia has been experimenting with both for decades.

In fact, in its corpus of scientific literature the two phenomena are conflated into a common category of “wave weapons.” A Soviet patent from 1974 was issued to a military unit that developed – and claimed to have successfully tested – a “non-lethal device inducing sleep in the target via the use of radio-waves.” A series of studies by Soviet and Russian scientists from 1991 to 2012 focused on the transmission of simulated auditory information to targets using ultra-high radio frequencies. And The Insider, 60 Minutes and Der Spiegel can now reveal, senior members of Unit 29155 were themselves tasked with, and rewarded for, successfully testing “non-lethal acoustic weapons.”
事实上,在其科学文献中,这两种现象被混为一谈,成为“波浪武器”的共同类别。1974 年的一项苏联专利被授予一个军事单位,该单位开发并声称已成功测试了一种“通过使用无线电波诱导目标睡眠的非致命装置”。从1991年到2012年,苏联和俄罗斯科学家的一系列研究集中在使用超高射频将模拟听觉信息传输到目标上。《内幕》(The Insider)、《60分钟》(60 Minutes)和《明镜周刊》(Der Spiegel)现在可以透露,29155部队的高级成员自己也曾被赋予了成功测试“非致命声学武器”的任务,并获得了奖励。
A Promotion – and a Prize

Col. Ivan Terentiev spent a decade as the deputy commander of the unit, and held an additional ominous title of «commander of group for special tasks of Unit 29155». In January 2024, the Bulgarian government issued a European Arrest Warrant for Terentiev owing to his personal involvement in the destruction of Bulgarian arms facilities beginning in 2011. When he wasn’t busy blowing up military depots in the Balkans, Terentiev, a trained engineer, also moonlighted as a research and development specialist for Russia’s Ministry of Defense. In that capacity he co-wrote dozens of military-scientific papers, including one on the “effectiveness of underwater shooting.” He’s also spent time exploring acoustic weapons.
伊万·捷伦季耶夫上校担任该部队的副指挥官长达十年,并拥有“29155部队特殊任务组指挥官”的额外不祥头衔。2024 年 1 月,保加利亚政府对特伦季耶夫发出了欧洲逮捕令,因为他个人参与了从 2011 年开始销毁保加利亚武器设施的行动。当他不忙于炸毁巴尔干半岛的军事基地时,训练有素的工程师捷伦季耶夫还兼职担任俄罗斯国防部的研发专家。在这个职位上,他与人合写了数十篇军事科学论文,其中包括一篇关于“水下射击的有效性”的论文。他还花时间探索声学武器。

In mid 2019, Terentiev was suddenly promoted to a Kremlin position. As part of the vetting process, he had to explain to the Kremlin why he had failed to declare a bank account into which he received an unaccounted-for transfer of funds in late 2017. Part of this disbursement had come from Terentiev’s handing over the intellectual property rights of his research and inventions to the Ministry of Defense. Namely, he had provided research work on developing a new weapon for the Foundation for Advanced Military Research. One of Vladimir Putin’s pet projects, the foundation was created in 2012 with a mandate for building “innovative weapons including [ones] based on new physical properties,” as its website states, and “to close a gap in advanced research with our Western partners after 20 years of stagnation in the Russian military science and defense industry overall.”
2019年年中,特伦季耶夫突然被提升为克里姆林宫的职位。作为审查过程的一部分,他必须向克里姆林宫解释为什么他没有申报一个银行账户,他在2017年底收到了一笔下落不明的资金转账。这笔款项的一部分来自捷伦季耶夫将其研究和发明的知识产权移交给国防部。也就是说,他为高级军事研究基金会提供了开发新武器的研究工作。作为弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)的宠儿项目之一,该基金会成立于2012年,其任务是建造“创新武器,包括基于新物理特性的武器”,正如其网站所述,并“在俄罗斯军事科学和国防工业整体停滞20年后,缩小与西方合作伙伴在高级研究方面的差距。

Terentiev’s prized research was focused on the “potential capabilities of non-lethal acoustic weapons in combat activities in urban settings,” according to an addendum The Insider obtained from an email account belonging to Nikolay Ezhov, Terentiev’s aide in Unit 29155 and his travel companion to Europe in 2014, just before Taylor’s attack.
根据《内幕》从特伦季耶夫在29155部队的助手尼古拉·埃佐夫(Nikolay Ezhov)的电子邮件帐户中获得的附录,特伦季耶夫的宝贵研究集中在“非致命声学武器在城市环境中战斗活动的潜在能力”,以及他在2014年泰勒袭击前前往欧洲的旅伴。

Ezhov had emailed the addendum to the anti-corruption office in Putin’s Presidential Administration in an attempt to explain how 100,000 rubles – the equivalent of around $1,700 at the time – wound up in Terentiev’s checking account. That sum was symbolic; the real reward was Terentiev’s new job.

The reason for his financial vetting was that the GRU saboteur was being promoted to a prestigious political position, that of Putin’s federal inspector for the Far Eastern Sakhalin region. In Russia, a federal inspector has oversight over a regional governor, affording Terentiev ample opportunities for kickbacks and self-enrichment. Also, given his continued tenure in Unit 29155, Terentiev would have greater oversight over Sakhalin’s neighbors, Japan, China and South Korea. Ezhov, meanwhile, was named deputy director of Sakhalin before receiving his own plum assignment in 2020 as federal inspector for Yakutia, the largest republic in Russia, replete with natural resources such as oil, gas and 99% of the country’s diamond reserves.
他进行财务审查的原因是,GRU破坏者正在被提升到一个享有盛誉的政治职位,即普京在远东萨哈林地区的联邦检查员。在俄罗斯,一名联邦检查员对一名州长进行监督,这为捷伦季耶夫提供了充足的回扣和自我致富的机会。此外,鉴于他继续在29155部队任职,捷伦季耶夫将对萨哈林岛的邻国日本、中国和韩国进行更大的监督。与此同时,埃佐夫被任命为萨哈林岛的副主任,然后在 2020 年接受自己的梅花任务,担任俄罗斯最大的共和国雅库特的联邦检查员,雅库特拥有石油、天然气等自然资源,拥有该国 99% 的钻石储量。

Few Russian intelligence officers with no public profile, discernible bureaucratic profile or personal ties to Putin reach such dizzying heights. So what accounts for Terentiev and Ezhov’s elevation?

A scan of the addendum sent by Lt. Col. Nikolay Ezhov, one of Col. Ivan Terentiev’s aides and a fellow member of Unit 29155, which shows that Terentiev’s prize is related to his research on the “potential capabilities of non-lethal acoustic weapons in combat activities in urban settings.”

Operation Reduktor Reduktor行动

The Insider, 60 Minutes and Der Spiegel have obtained a set of intelligence documents describing a classified Soviet-era program codenamed Reduktor, or “Gearbox.” Begun in 1984 at the Radio Technical Measurement Research Institute in Kharkiv, Ukraine, Reduktor’s central task was to study the uses of “electromagnetic radiation to influence the behavior and reactions of biological objects, [including] people.” The institute was subordinated to the Soviet Ministry of General Machine Building, which oversaw the Soviet Union’s space exploration program. (Today its successor is Russia’s Federal Space Agency, Roscosmos.) The head of the research institute, according to the documents, flew to Moscow almost weekly to report on the progress of his work.
The Insider、60 Minutes 和 Der Spiegel 获得了一组情报文件,描述了一个代号为 Reduktor 或“Gearbox”的苏联时代机密程序。1984 年在乌克兰哈尔科夫的无线电技术测量研究所开始,Reduktor 的中心任务是研究“电磁辐射影响生物物体(包括)人的行为和反应”的用途。该研究所隶属于苏联通用机械制造部,负责监督苏联的太空探索计划。(今天,它的继任者是俄罗斯联邦航天局(Roscosmos)。根据文件,该研究所的负责人几乎每周都飞往莫斯科报告他的工作进展。

In 1988, the institute initiated a top secret program for which a separate department, known as the Eighth Branch, was created. About 300 employees worked for the Eighth Branch, whose activities were kept secret from the rest of the institute. Most of its employees were scientists, either active in the Soviet military or retired from it. Engineers and biologists predominated the ranks. Also on staff were psychiatrists. There was strict compartmentalization of work within Eighth Branch, such that one team didn’t know what another was working on and all employees were forbidden from recruiting scientists from other departments within the Research Institute.

Eighth Branch scientists experimented with electromagnetic energy on rats and rhesus monkeys. Some of the animals died from exposure to thermal radiation; others developed brain damage. “The main goal,” according to one Reduktor document, “was to create a stable mechanism of information influence (i.e., forcing the object to take certain actions by influencing the brain and other organs) using a low-energy effect with a power flux density of no more than 10 microwatts per square centimeter.”

Coinciding with the end of the Soviet Union — and, with it, Ukraine’s independence — Reduktor’s entire scientific yield was transferred from Kharkiv to Moscow by the KGB for further development.
恰逢苏联解体——以及随之而来的乌克兰独立——克格勃将 Reduktor 的全部科学成果从哈尔科夫转移到莫斯科进行进一步开发。

The Reduktor documents indicate that a blueprint model of an electromagnetic device was clunky and conspicuous: “a large dish on an automobile chassis with generators, antennas and other equipment.” Soviet experts were confident that a smaller, more mobile version of such a weapon could eventually be created, with an effective firing range of at least 100 meters.

Separately, in 2010, another scientific research institute in Russia carried out work on the “development of basic technologies for the creation of a new generation of sonar and acoustic weapons systems,” according to another document The Insider, 60 Minutes and Der Spiegel have obtained. Under this contemporary program, “an experimental model/prototype” of portable ultrasonic non-lethal weapons was constructed such that it could be mounted onto commercial vehicles. The radial range of this device was limited to between ten and twelve meters. In February-March 2014, the total yield of this study in sonar and acoustic systems – the technical documents and an experimental device – came into the possession of the GRU in Sevastopol, in concert with Russia’s takeover of Crimea.
另外,根据另一份文件The Insider,2010,俄罗斯的另一家科学研究机构开展了“开发用于创建新一代声纳和声学武器系统的基本技术”的工作,60分钟和明镜周刊获得了。根据这一当代计划,建造了便携式超声波非致命武器的“实验模型/原型”,使其可以安装在商用车辆上。该装置的径向范围限制在10到12米之间。2014 年 2 月至 3 月,随着俄罗斯接管克里米亚,声纳和声学系统研究的总产量 - 技术文件和实验设备 - 归塞瓦斯托波尔的 GRU 所有。

In September 2022, the U.S. intelligence community released a classified report titled, “Anomalous Health Incidents: Analysis of Potential Causal Mechanisms,” a redacted copy of which was obtained under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by Mark Zaid, a lawyer for more than two dozen victims of Havana Syndrome. The report gives four “core characteristics” of AHIs: “the acute onset of audiovestibular sensory phenomena, including sound and/or pressure, sometimes in only one ear or on one side of the head; …other nearly simultaneous signs and symptoms such as vertigo, loss of balance, and ear pain; …a strong sense of locality or directionality; and…the absence of known environmental or medical conditions that could explain the reported signs and symptoms.”
2022 年 9 月,美国情报界发布了一份题为“异常健康事件:潜在因果机制分析”的机密报告,该报告的编辑副本是根据《信息自由法》(FOIA) 的要求获得的,该报告由二十多名哈瓦那综合症受害者的律师马克·扎伊德 (Mark Zaid) 获得。该报告给出了AHI的四个“核心特征”:“听觉前庭感觉现象的急性发作,包括声音和/或压力,有时仅在一只耳朵或头部的一侧;...其他几乎同时出现的体征和症状,如眩晕、失去平衡和耳痛;...强烈的地方感或方向感;和。。。缺乏已知的环境或医疗条件来解释报告的体征和症状。

One plausible cause for these symptoms, the report states, is microwave energy. Another is ultrasound, a high-frequency form of inaudible acoustic energy that can enter the body through the ear canal or other aspects of the head, causing potential disruption of the central nervous system — especially of the inner ear, where sound and balance are sensed. Both microwave and ultrasound energy can damage cells in the brain as well as open the blood-brain barrier, causing proteins from the damaged cells to leak into the spinal fluid and then into the bloodstream. These so-called biomarkers are metabolized by the body within hours to days, meaning that someone hit with an acoustic weapon would need to have their blood drawn almost immediately after an attack to detect this kind of evidence of injury.

The former Kyiv Station CIA officer who was hit in Hanoi in 2021 was one of only two victims of Havana Syndrome whose biomarkers had been measured before the attack, thus establishing an individualized baseline. In this officer’s case, the biomarker levels jumped from normal before the attack to far above normal hours after; they then returned to normal days later, clearly indicating brain injury at the time of the attack, according to multiple sources within the U.S. intelligence community. He was diagnosed with “neural network dysfunction and persistent dysautonomia due to traumatic brain injury.”
2021 年在河内被击中的前基辅站中央情报局官员是哈瓦那综合症仅有的两名受害者之一,他们的生物标志物在袭击前已经过测量,从而建立了个性化的基线。在这名警官的案例中,生物标志物水平从袭击前的正常水平跃升至袭击后的正常水平;据美国情报界的多个消息来源称,几天后他们恢复了正常,清楚地表明袭击发生时脑部受伤。他被诊断出患有“创伤性脑损伤导致的神经网络功能障碍和持续性自主神经功能障碍”。

And yet it remains unclear exactly how the attacks were carried out, or whether multiple types of devices have been used. The limiting factor with ultrasound weapons is distance. Their soundwaves travel poorly through air and solid objects found in buildings, meaning any device of this type would have to get up close to its target, no more than 10 or 12 meters away.
然而,目前尚不清楚这些攻击究竟是如何进行的,或者是否使用了多种类型的设备。超声波武器的限制因素是距离。它们的声波在空气和建筑物中发现的固体物体中的传播效果很差,这意味着任何这种类型的设备都必须靠近目标,距离不超过 10 或 12 米。

Another form of directed energy that travels farther and can penetrate through thicker substances, such as walls and metal barriers, is pulsed microwave energy. The shape of an electromagnetic pulse that could do the kind of physiological harm seen in AHI cases would show an extremely steep rise, with each pulse reaching peak energy within less than a nanosecond. A U.S. Intelligence Community expert panel tasked with assessing the potential causes of Havana Syndrome concluded that this type of energy could “fracture” membranes and capillaries, damaging the myelin sheaths that encase neurons and the blood-brain barrier.

As Operation Reduktor and Terentiev’s research shows, Moscow has been experimenting with both types of directed energy weapons for a long time.
正如 Reduktor 行动和捷伦季耶夫的研究表明的那样,莫斯科长期以来一直在试验这两种类型的定向能武器。
As Operation Reduktor and Terentiev’s research shows, Moscow has been experimenting with both types of directed energy weapons for a long time.
正如 Reduktor 行动和捷伦季耶夫的研究表明的那样,莫斯科长期以来一直在试验这两种类型的定向能武器。

Dr. David A. Relman, a microbiologist at Stanford University and a co-chair of the expert panel assessment, told The Insider that elements of Reduktor as described in the documents “align with what we and others have hypothesized, and thus, are troubling in their implications. As we stated in the report, the kinds of injuries we proposed to be caused by special forms of pulsed microwave energy would not be expected necessarily to show up on brain imaging studies. We assessed that there was technical and practical evidence to support the plausibility of a concealable device that could cause these effects. These documents and their origins would appear to be clearly worth pursuing.”
斯坦福大学(Stanford University)微生物学家、专家小组评估联合主席大卫·雷尔曼(David A. Relman)博士告诉The Insider,文件中描述的Reduktor元素“与我们和其他人的假设一致,因此,其含义令人不安。正如我们在报告中所说,我们提出的由特殊形式的脉冲微波能量引起的伤害不一定会出现在脑成像研究中。我们评估说,有技术和实践证据支持可能导致这些影响的可隐藏装置的合理性。这些文件及其来源显然值得追查。

Once that pursuit begins, there is the potential for it to lead to some very disturbing places. The Kirov Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg, Russia is headed by the aforementioned GRU consultant Sergei Chepur, a specialist in cholinesterase inhibitors like Novichok.
一旦这种追求开始,它就有可能导致一些非常令人不安的地方。俄罗斯圣彼得堡的基洛夫军事医学院由上述GRU顾问谢尔盖·切普尔(Sergei Chepur)领导,他是诺维乔克(Novichok)等胆碱酯酶抑制剂的专家。

But it is Chepur’s research work that presents the greatest cause for concern. Judging from his publications, Chepur is not only a specialist in biochemistry, but also in the effects of radiation on the brain. The Kirov Academy he heads is one of the few institutions in Russia that has studied Minor’s syndrome, the extremely rare phenomenon that just happened to befall embassy wife Joy in Tbilisi following her encounter with Albert Averyanov.
Don't Say'The Russians Are Trying to Hurt Us'

A consensus has formed among the growing community of AHI sufferers that the U.S. government — and the CIA in particular — is hiding the full extent of what it knows about the source of Havana Syndrome. The victims offer two general hypotheses as to why. The first is that releasing the full intelligence around Russian involvement might be so shocking as to convince the American people and their representatives that Moscow has committed an act of war against the United States, thereby raising thorny questions as to how a nuclear power fond of showing off its hypersonic missiles ought to be made to pay. The second is that acknowledging Havana Syndrome is caused by a foreign adversary could put a damper on recruitment to the CIA and State Department. After all, how many Americans would be willing to serve their country overseas in the full knowledge that their next load of laundry or morning jaunt to the embassy could result in permanent physical and mental ailments?
越来越多的AHI患者群体已经达成共识,即美国政府 - 特别是中央情报局 - 正在隐瞒其对哈瓦那综合症来源的全部了解。受害者对原因提出了两个一般假设。首先,公布有关俄罗斯参与的全部情报可能会令人震惊,以至于让美国人民及其代表相信莫斯科对美国发动了战争,从而提出了一个棘手的问题,即一个喜欢炫耀其高超音速导弹的核大国应该如何付出代价。其次,承认哈瓦那综合症是由外国对手引起的,可能会阻碍中央情报局和国务院的招募。毕竟,有多少美国人愿意在海外为他们的国家服务,因为他们完全知道他们的下一次洗衣服或早上去大使馆的短途旅行可能会导致永久性的身体和精神疾病?

The State Department has walked a knife-edge in addressing that contingency. The Insider, 60 Minutes and Der Spiegel obtained a memo distributed to employees of the Tbilisi mission on December 29, 2021 — over two months after Joy’s attack. It references a task force responsible for coordinating response to AHIs and several pages of guidance on how to talk to children about the strange events, offering distinct advice for different age groups. For young kids who “don’t have enough life experience to understand some of the elements involved in complex, difficult topics like AHI,” the memo advises parents to catch their biases and limit the amount of information their children can access: “Don’t say things like ‘the Russians are trying to hurt or intimidate us’ or ‘if you hear a loud noise, you are probably going to feel dizzy and sick so make sure you get off the X, etc.’”
国务院在处理这一突发事件方面走得很远。《内幕》、《60分钟》和《明镜周刊》于2021年12月29日——乔伊遇袭两个多月后——获得了一份分发给第比利斯使团员工的备忘录。它提到了一个负责协调对AHI的反应的工作组,以及关于如何与儿童谈论奇怪事件的几页指南,为不同年龄组提供了不同的建议。对于那些“没有足够的生活经验来理解像AHI这样复杂、困难的话题所涉及的一些元素”的年幼孩子,备忘录建议父母抓住他们的偏见,限制他们的孩子可以访问的信息量:“不要说'俄罗斯人试图伤害或恐吓我们'或'如果你听到一声巨响, 你可能会感到头晕和恶心,所以一定要下车,等等。

The implication here is that not only are AHIs real, but U.S. diplomats are all too aware of how they happen and who’s behind them.

Still, it remains unclear why it took American officials so long to acknowledge the problem, and why they still show no sign of having a plan to solve it. “I have spent more than a decade fighting for U.S. government employees and their families – sometimes small children and even pets – who have been victimized by AHIs overseas and domestically,” says attorney Mark Zaid. “It has been so distressing to see how much effort our government has undertaken to cover up the true details of these attacks, no doubt perpetrated by a foreign adversary.”
尽管如此,目前尚不清楚为什么美国官员花了这么长时间才承认这个问题,以及为什么他们仍然没有表现出解决问题的计划。律师马克·扎伊德(Mark Zaid)说:“我花了十多年的时间为美国政府雇员及其家人(有时是小孩甚至宠物)而战,他们在海外和国内都受到AHI的伤害。“看到我们的政府付出了多少努力来掩盖这些袭击的真实细节,这真是令人痛心,毫无疑问,这些袭击是由外国对手实施的。”

That adversary may even be boasting of the fact. Nikolai Patrushev, the Secretary of Russia’s Security Council and a former KGB officer wrote in September 2023 in the in-house magazine for the SVR, Russia’s foreign intelligence service: “In recent years, hundreds of employees of foreign intelligence services, as well as other persons involved in organizing intelligence and subversive activities against our country and our strategic partners, have been identified and neutralized.”
那个对手甚至可能在吹嘘这一事实。2023 年 9 月,俄罗斯安全委员会秘书、前克格勃官员尼古拉·帕特鲁舍夫在俄罗斯对外情报机构 SVR 的内部杂志中写道:“近年来,数百名外国情报机构的雇员,以及其他参与组织针对我国和我们的战略伙伴的情报和颠覆活动的人, 已被识别和中和。

Official attempts to push back against the accusation that Washington has not done enough to combat Havana Syndrome have been short on detail. In a statement to 60 Minutes regarding this investigation, the ODNI affirmed, “We continue to closely examine anomalous health incidents (AHIs), particularly in areas we have identified as requiring additional research and analysis.”

However, while recent reports have suggested that Havana Syndrome cases have ceased in recent years, multiple former and present U.S. officials told 60 Minutes that a senior U.S. Department of Defense official was targeted as recently as July 2023 at the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania. That gathering of North American and European representatives, which at various points included U.S. President Joe Biden and his Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, was largely focused on the theme of Western military support for Ukraine in its ongoing defensive war against Russia.
然而,尽管最近的报道表明哈瓦那综合症病例近年来已经停止,但多名前任和现任美国官员告诉《60分钟》,美国国防部一名高级官员最近在 2023 年 7 月在立陶宛维尔纽斯举行的北约峰会上成为目标。包括美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)和他的国防部长劳埃德·奥斯汀(Lloyd Austin)在内的北美和欧洲代表在不同时刻的聚会主要集中在西方对乌克兰正在进行的对俄罗斯的防御性战争中的军事支持这一主题上。

Other reports have noted a proliferation of cases in Vienna in the latter half of 2021, months before the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Two veterans of the CIA’s Kyiv Station were posted to Vienna during that spate of reported attacks.

This is not the first time that U.S. personnel serving overseas have fallen victim to widespread adverse health consequences. In the decades since the Gulf War of 1991-1992, hundreds of thousands of Western and Iraqi veterans reported suffering from a common set of symptoms ranging from fatigue to terminal tumors. As Edgreen, the former DIA investigator, said, “It took 30 years to prove that the Gulf War Syndrome was a result of exposure to low levels of sarin. [Havana Syndrome] will be proven.”
Unlike Gulf War Syndrome, which resulted from a confluence of environmental factors rather than from the deliberate actions of a state, Havana Syndrome shows all the markings of a Russian hybrid warfare operation

It may be proven. But unlike Gulf War Syndrome, which resulted from a confluence of environmental factors rather than from the deliberate actions of a state actor, Havana Syndrome shows all the markings of a Russian hybrid warfare operation. If it is established that the Kremlin really is behind the attacks, then the provision of healthcare and monetary compensation for the victims will not be enough to solve the problem. Removing this many capable American spies and diplomats from active service without killing them and without your main adversary even admitting they’ve done so — such a sustained, decade-long campaign would easily count as one of Vladimir Putin’s greatest strategic victories against the United States.




《2024年年终回顾和2025年展望——对冲风险VS软着陆》   上篇 正值年底,虽然刚才汇丰一直强调大家不录音不录像,但大概率你挡不住。我在这儿讲话会谨慎一些,非常小心谨慎,大概率会有人透露出去,放到YouTube上,基本上所有见我都说付总我在YouTube上看过你的视频,我说那都是盗版的,靠盗版发财的也不少。 今天和大家分享的内容基本上都是官方的,回顾会多一点,展望不多,因为这个月展望完了之后下个月怎么办?有些话对我来讲我倒觉得很简单,本质上原来我们是做Hedge Fund出身,所以我们的逻辑框架整体具有极强的延续性,不是说今年去讨论,或者说明年去讨论。 惯性思维从2016年开始,我一直在跟大家强调这个世界已经完全不一样了。当然经历过过去的几年时间,我相信在座各位应该对这番话的理解变得越发深刻。 2016年实际上是美国特朗普的第一次大选,我有一个特点,我的特征是如果我觉得什么地方有投资机会,我可能第一时间去一线调研,我不喜欢看YouTube,我也不喜欢在网上扒。当然你会说,现在ChatGPT很强大了,人工智能好像能帮你解决很多问题,但你们有没有想过,可能广泛流传或者广泛传播的很多信息是错的。这一点在2012年当时我从日本做完调研回来之后,我的感悟是最深的。 当然去日本有一个重要的人物,名字叫本森特,很快大家就会非常熟悉他的,目前来讲应该是特朗普政府提名的美国财长。本森特原来是索罗斯基金实际掌控人,因为索大爷已经年龄很大了,去年的时候才刚刚把基金的业务交给他儿子亚历山大,但在这之前,最主要的几场战役本质上来讲都是本森特在主导。 2012年当时我从北京去香港约朋友们吃饭的饭局上,当时斯索罗斯基金在香港办公室跟我说,本森特从这儿去了日本。我说OK。我经常说一句话“站在巨人的肩膀上看问题。” 当然你知道,网民们最可怕的地方是巴菲特“SB”、索罗斯“SB”,我最“牛逼”。你要记住,他们的所有行为一定有很大的变化,很多人可能都不知道,巴菲特第一次去是2011年,我们正在讲福岛核电站泄漏,核废水污染以后海鲜不能吃的时候,一个80多岁的老头顶着核辐射泄漏去日本吃海鲜了,当然他去日本干吗,这其实很关键。 之后我们跑到日本做完调研回来之后那几年,我陆陆续续跟很多人讲,日本正在发生变化,日本的利率结构都会随之变化的,当然包括日本的证券市场。今年日本股市终于走出这35年了,创下...

中国 AI 初创公司 DeepSeek 是如何与硅谷巨头竞争的

纽约时报: DeepSeek 的工程师说,他们的系统只需要约 2000 块美国芯片制造商英伟达生产的专用计算机芯片,而美国大公司的 AI 系统需要多达 1.6 万块芯片。 Marlena Sloss/Bloomberg 圣诞节的第二天,一家名为深度求索 (DeepSeek) 的中国小型初创公司发布了一个新的人工智能系统,其功能可与 OpenAI 和谷歌等公司的尖端聊天机器人相媲美。 能做到这点本已是一个里程碑。但这个名为 DeepSeek-V3 的大模型背后的团队描述了一个更大的进步。深度求索的工程师在介绍他们如何构建这个大模型的 研究论文 中写道,他们在训练该系统时只用了领先人工智能公司用的高度专业化计算机芯片的一小部分。 这些芯片是美中激烈技术竞争的核心。随着美国政府努力保持本国在全球人工智能竞争中的领先地位,它正在试图对能出售给中国以及其他竞争对手的高性能芯片(如硅谷公司英伟达生产的那些)进行限制。 但 DeepSeek 大模型的表现让人们对美国政府贸易限制的意外后果产生了质疑。美国的出口管制措施已迫使中国研究人员使用互联网上免费提供的各种工具来发挥创造力。 据美国人工智能公司一直使用的行业基准测试,DeepSeek 聊天机器人能回答问题、解决逻辑问题,并编写自己的计算机程序,其能力不亚于市场上已有的任何产品。 而且它的造价很低,挑战了只有最大的科技企业(它们全都在美国)才能制造出最先进的人工智能系统的普遍观念。中国工程师称,他们只花了约 600 万美元的原始计算能力就训练了新模型,不到科技巨头 Meta 训练其最新人工智能模型所耗资金的十分之一。 “有 600 万美元资金的公司在数量上远远多于有 1 亿美元或 10 亿美元资金的公司,” 风险投资公司 Page One Ventures 的投资人克里斯 · 尼科尔森说道,他主要投资人工智能技术。 自从 OpenAI 2022 年发布了 ChatGPT,引发人工智能热潮以来,许多专家和投资者曾得出结论认为,如果不投入数亿美元购买人工智能专用芯片的话,没有公司能与行业领军者竞争。 世界领先的人工智能公司用超级计算机来训练它们的聊天机器人,这些超级计算机需要多达 1.6 万个芯片,甚至更多。但 DeepSeek 的工程师却说,他们只用了约 2000 个英伟达生产的专用芯片。 中国进口芯片受到限制,迫使 DeepSe...


 关于完善药品价格形成机制的意见 (征求意见稿) 党的十八大以来,以市场为主导的药品价格机制改革持续深化,以药品集中带量采购、医保目录谈判为切入口的医保基金战略性购买持续发力,增进市场公平竞争,有力引导药品价格趋于合理,有效推动医药领域发展活力进发,有序促进医药行业发展方式转变。为更好发挥市场机制作用,支持医药高质量创新发展,规范药品价格秩序,现就完善药品价格形成机制提出如下意见。 一、总体要求 以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,着力构建药品领域全国统一大市场,创造更加公平、更有活力的市场环境,健全完善以市场为主导、以临床价值为导向、以有效竞争为基础的药品价格形成机制,引导医保药品价格运行在合理区间,规范非医保药品自主定价,大力支持高质量创新药发展,充分发挥医保基金战略性购买作用,更好发挥商业健康保险多元支付功能,推进药品价格秩序治理,实现有效市场和有为政府更好结合,保障人民群众获得质优价宜药品。到2027年、药品价格形成机制成熟定型,推动医药行业高质量发展取得新成效。 二、发挥市场决定性作用,支持创新药高质量发展 (-)设立创新药产业招资基金。鼓励商业保险公司设立创新药产业投资基金,或明确现有投资基金对创新药产业进行重点投资,发挥保险资金期限长、稳定性优势,减低创新药产业融资成本,支持医药创新发展。涉创新药权益类投资规模达到上季度末总资产5%的,视为创新支持型商业保险公司,可获得税收政策优惠、大病保险承办、城市定制型商业健康保险合作、探索允许职工医保个人账户购买其覆盖高水平创新药的保险产品等支持政策,并在有关商保产品结算支付一站式清分、医保商保同步结算、医保商保数据共享等方面给子支持。完善商业保险权益投资监管制度,督促指 导商业保险公司优化长周期考核评估机制,为创新药高质量发展提供稳定的长期投资。 (二)优化新上市药品首发挂网服务和价格机制。试行以药学和临床价值为基础的新上市药品自评制度,医药企业实事求是做好自评和自主定价,公开接受社会监督和同行评议。做好首发挂网服务,支持创新药加快进入临床。综合自评结果和临床获益因素,分层次落实价格政策,积极支持满足临床急需的高水平创新药在上市初期获得与高投入、高风险相符的收益回报,在一定期限内保持价格相对稳定;鼓励引导改良进步药品价格体现与临床获益相称的价值;规范引导其他新上市药品和仿制药参考同通用名药品、同作...


候任总统特朗普 (Donald Trump) 在他的第一个任期内把对华加征关税搞成了他的标志性政策。之后上台的总统拜登 (Joe Biden) 基本上保留了这些关税,并指示提高对半导体和电动汽车等产品的关税。 根据 Trade Partnership Worldwide 对截至 9 月份的美国人口普查局 (U.S. Census Bureau) 数据的分析,自特朗普在 2018 年开始对中国上调关税以来,从中国进口的商品的平均实际关税税率已从约 3% 跃升至约 11%。为商业团体提供数据和研究的 TPW 表示,美国从所有国家进口商品的平均实际关税税率已从逾 1% 升至逾 2%。 现在,特朗普准备再次加大对中国和其他贸易伙伴的压力,他最近提议对所有来自中国的产品加征 10% 的关税,对来自墨西哥和加拿大的进口商品加征 25% 的关税。这可能会颠覆他在 2020 年签署的《美墨加协定》(USMCA),该协定在很大程度上维持了这三个北美国家之间的免税贸易。 在关税提高的情况下,中国商品在美国进口中所占份额已经下降,而全球其他国家在美国进口中所占份额有所上升。尽管如此,中国仍是美国的第二大商品供应国。 关税是对跨境商品征收的税。在适用关税的时候,美国进口商通常在外国商品抵达入境口岸时缴纳关税,这一过程由美国海关边境保护局 (U.S. Customs and Border Protection) 负责。美国主要将关税作为保护某些行业的工具,以及对其他国家贸易壁垒的回应手段。关税也是美国政府的一个收入来源。 特朗普过渡团队发言人 Brian Hughes 表示:“特朗普总统已承诺实施关税政策,保护美国制造商和劳动者免受外国公司和外国市场不公平做法的伤害。” 拜登在上周敦促特朗普重新考虑对墨西哥和加拿大征收关税的威胁,警告称这可能会损害美国与这两个最亲密盟友的关系。白宫没有回应置评请求。 平均实际关税税率的计算方法是用关税收入占进口商品价值的百分比来衡量。例如,2023 年美国从印度购买了价值约 840 亿美元的商品,进口商为这些商品支付了约 20 亿美元的关税,鉴于此,来自印度的进口商品的平均实际关税税率约为 2.4%。 经济学家使用这一指标来衡量关税如何应用于大类商品或原产国,并根据进口价值和关税税率的构成进行加权。 即使关税政策没有改变,随着进口商品结构的变化,这一税率也会...


  做贡献者,而非搭便车者。 文 | 于丽丽 编辑 | 刘旌 中国的7家大模型创业公司中,DeepSeek(深度求索)最不声不响,但它又总能以出其不意的方式被人记住。 一年前,这种出其不意源自它背后的量化私募巨头幻方,是大厂外唯一一家储备万张A100芯片的公司,一年后,则来自它才是引发中国大模型价格战的源头。 在被AI连续轰炸的5月,DeepSeek一跃成名。起因是他们发布的一款名为DeepSeek V2的开源模型,提供了一种史无前例的性价比:推理成本被降到每百万token仅 1块钱,约等于Llama3 70B的七分之一,GPT-4 Turbo的七十分之一。 DeepSeek被迅速冠以“AI界拼多多”之称的同时,字节、腾讯、百度、阿里等大厂也按耐不住,纷纷降价。中国大模型价格战由此一触即发。 弥漫的硝烟其实掩盖了一个事实:与很多大厂烧钱补贴不同,DeepSeek是有利润的。 这背后,是DeepSeek对模型架构进行了全方位创新。它提出的一种崭新的MLA( 一种新的多头潜在注意力机制 )架构,把显存占用降到了过去最常用的MHA架构的5%-13%,同时,它独创的DeepSeekMoESparse结构,也把计算量降到极致,所有这些最终促成了成本的下降。 在硅谷,DeepSeek被称作“来自东方的神秘力量”。SemiAnalysis首席分析师认为,DeepSeek V2论文“可能是今年最好的一篇”。OpenAI前员工Andrew Carr认为论文“充满惊人智慧”,并将其训练设置应用于自己的模型。而OpenAI前政策主管、Anthropic联合创始人Jack Clark认为,DeepSeek“雇佣了一批高深莫测的奇才”,还认为中国制造的大模型,“将和无人机、电动汽车一样,成为不容忽视的力量。” 在基本由硅谷牵动故事进展的AI浪潮里,这是罕有的情形。 多位行业人士告诉我们, 这种强烈的反响源自架构层面的创新,是国产大模型公司乃至全球开源基座大模型都很罕见的尝试。 一位AI研究者表示,Attention架构提出多年来,几乎未被成功改过,更遑论大规模验证。“这甚至是一个做决策时就会被掐断的念头,因为大部分人都缺乏信心。” 而另一方面,国产大模型之前很少涉足架构层面的创新,也是因为很少有人主动去击破那样一种成见: 美国更擅长从0-1的技...


经济学人: 他们来美国的原因各不相同。有些人寻求经济机会。其他人则对统治感到失望。许多人在网上看到其他中国移民穿越哥伦比亚和巴拿马之间无法无天的丛林地带,寻求更好的生活。数以万计的中国公民前往南美,这是前往美国的危险旅程的第一步。这条路线非常受欢迎,以至于它获得了一个中文昵称:走线,即走线。 过去两年,中国移民一直是穿越美国南部边境增长最快的群体。2023 年,美国边境巡逻队遇到了 3.7 万多名中国移民,高于 2022 年的 3,813 人和 2021 年的 689 人。今年前八个月又有 2.1 万人入境。他们仍然只是 2023 年试图越境的 200 万移民中的一小部分。但由于美国和中国陷入了经济、意识形态和地缘战略竞争,中国移民已成为政治焦点。 唐纳德·特朗普说,来自中国的新移民大多是适龄参军的男性。“他们是想在我们国家组建一支小军队吗?”他问道。其他共和党政客称中国移民是潜在的间谍。卡马拉·哈里斯和民主党人没有那么危言耸听,但他们也担心边境问题。在总统竞选中,移民是首要关注的问题,而中国是一个方便的反面人物,因此几乎没有人努力去了解是什么推动了这种人口流动,以及这对每个国家意味着什么。 《经济学人》花了三个月时间在哥伦比亚、墨西哥和美国进行报道。我们采访了数十名移民,以及走私者、边防警卫和专家。一些人允许我们追踪他们的移民旅程。一些人经过数周的乘船、乘公共汽车、步行和乘飞机的旅行才抵达美国。其他人则在途中失去了一切。大多数人被更美好未来的承诺所吸引,并遵循了试图利用美国不完善的移民制度的策略。但他们的旅程也揭示了中国的情况,压制性统治和日益恶化的经济萎靡不振正在将人们推向远离中国的道路。 第一部分 内科克利 对于许多中国移民来说,美洲的第一站是厄瓜多尔,直到最近,厄瓜多尔才向他们提供免签证入境。但他们很快就搬到了哥伦比亚。在那里,我们遇到了黄女士,一位 40 多岁、身穿亮粉色连衣裙的女性。她已经打破了出生地——中国西南部贵州省的一个贫穷村庄——的保守规范。村里大多数妇女终生务农和养育孩子。然而,黄女士离开家乡去了大城市,养育了两个孩子,并与嗜赌成性的丈夫离婚。她来到了加勒比海边缘的海滨小镇内科克利,即将进入哥伦比亚和巴拿马之间危险的达连峡丛林。 她两个 20 多岁的妹妹也来了。她们之前都没有离开过中国。黄女士说,她们对未来的危险知之甚少,但梦想着到达美国。自疫...


谢谢,谢谢大家,非常感谢你们。非常非常感谢。副总统万斯,众议院议长约翰逊,参议员图恩,美国首席大法官罗伯茨,以及美国最高法院的大法官们。 克林顿总统、布什总统、奥巴马总统、拜登总统、哈里斯副总统,以及我的各位同胞, 美国的黄金时代从现在开始 。 从今天起,我们的国家将再次繁荣,并在全世界受到尊重。我们将成为每个国家的羡慕对象,不再让自己受到剥削。 在特朗普政府的每一天,我都会把美国放在第一位 。 我们的主权将被夺回。我们的安全将得到恢复。正义的天平将重新平衡。司法部和我们政府的恶劣、暴力和不公正的武器化将结束。 我们的首要任务是创造一个骄傲、繁荣和自由的国家。美国将很快变得更伟大、更强大,并且比以往任何时候都更加卓越。 我自信和乐观地回到总统职位上,我们正处于一个令人兴奋的新国家成功时代的开始。一股变革的浪潮正在席卷整个国家,阳光洒遍全世界,美国有机会前所未有地抓住这一机遇。 但是首先,我们必须诚实面对我们面临的挑战。虽然挑战很多,但它们将被美国当前所见证的这一伟大势头摧毁。 今天我们聚集在一起时,我们的政府正面临一场信任危机。多年来,一个激进且腐败的体制从我们的公民手中攫取权力和财富,而我们社会的支柱却破碎不堪,似乎完全失修。 我们现在的政府连国内的简单危机都无法应对,同时还在海外接二连三地陷入灾难性事件。 它未能保护我们辉煌、守法的美国公民,却为危险的罪犯提供庇护和保护,这些罪犯许多来自监狱和精神机构,他们非法进入我们的国家。我们有一个政府,无限制地资助外国边界的防御,却拒绝保护美国的边界,或者,更重要的是,保护自己的人民。 我们的国家在紧急情况下已经无法提供基本服务,这一点最近由北卡罗来纳州的优秀人民证明了。他们受到如此糟糕的对待。而其他几个州在几个月前发生飓风后仍在遭受痛苦。 或者更近的是洛杉矶,我们正在目睹大火仍在无情地燃烧。从几周前开始,它们毫无防备地横扫房屋和社区,甚至影响到我们国家一些最富有和最有权势的人,其中一些人现在就坐在这里。他们已经无家可归了。这很有趣。 但是我们不能让这种情况发生。每个人都无能为力。这将会改变。我们的公共卫生系统在灾难时无法提供帮助,却在其上花费了比世界上任何国家都要多的钱。 我们的教育系统则教导我们的孩子为自己感到羞愧,在许多情况下,教他们仇恨我们的国家,尽管我们试图如此绝望地向他们提供爱。所有这一切将从今天开始改变,而且...


抖音是算法机制最复杂的平台之一。平台内的每一条内容、每一个短视频,背后都是由算法支配的。同时,抖音算法还影响着我们短视频的制作和发布。这篇文章为大家总结了抖音平台的八种算法机制,助力大家做好运营工作。 抖音是算法机制最复杂的平台之一。平台内的每一条内容、每一个短视频,背后都是由算法支配的。同时,抖音算法还影响着我们短视频的制作和发布。 对于做抖音短视频的运营者来说,想要高效获取到流量,摸清抖音算法至关重要! 这篇文章为大家总结了抖音平台的八种算法机制,助力大家做好运营工作。 一、流量池算法机制 抖 音的流量池是一个庞大的内容分发网络 ,是通过一系列复杂的算法和机制,将不同的内容推荐给不同的用户群体。 具体来讲: ·   抖音系统会将创作者发布的视频,先投放在一个小范围数量的用户人群中; ·   根据短视频的点击量、播放量、完播率、互动率等数据进行评估; ·   根据短视频作品的表现数据,来决定系统是否会将短视频推荐给更大用户人群的流量池。 创作者发布的短视频都会享受到抖音官方提供的推荐流量,但流量推荐量的数据范围是不一定的,这就是流量池。 抖音流量池的推荐规则如下: 种子流量池 创作者上传完短视频,视频在经过审核之后会先进入到种子流量池中,此时的流量分发人数只有数百人。如果视频在种子流量池中有很好的完播率,那么接下来才会被推荐给更多人;如果各项数据未达到要求,则会减少推荐量。 多级流量池 抖音的流量池是分级的,每一级都有不同的用户规模和推荐要求。 种子流量池中的优质视频才会获得叠加推荐,此时会进入到更高一级的初级流量池中,能够获得好的完播率和互动量的视频会紧接着推荐到中级流量池。以此类推,再到高级流量池。 这种多级流量池的设计,让优质的短视频内容可以获得更多的曝光。 延后曝光 偶尔也会出现这样一种情况,视频发布后的几天或者几周内,数据效果都不是很好,但是某天就突然火了,这就是我们说的 “延后曝光”,是抖音系统考虑了时间效应后的展示效果。 可能是因为用户翻看之前的视频时,带动了视频的播放量,抖音重新将这条视频推荐到更大的流量池中,从而获得新的曝光。 对于创作者来说,想要突破抖音冷启动流量池,就需要密切关注下面几个指标: 二、标签算法机制 无论是创作者,还是用户,都会被抖音系统打上不同类型的标签。 · ...

华尔街日报:制药行业正在经历自己的 DeepSeek 时刻

  制药行业正在经历自己的 DeepSeek 时刻 不仅仅是人工智能——中国生物技术公司现在开发药物的速度比美国同行更快、成本更低 生物技术行业的 DeepSeek 时刻 到来于去年秋天。 那时 Summit Therapeutics  SMMT   -2.71  % 减少;红色向下三角形 亿万富翁鲍勃·杜根 (Bob Duggan ) 支持的   Summit 宣布, 其药物在肺癌头对头试验中优于 默克公司的重磅疗法 Keytruda。Keytruda 是每年收入 300 亿美元的免疫疗法巨头,是制药行业最畅销的药物,长期以来一直占据市场主导地位。因此,出现更强大的竞争对手的前景令人震惊。更引人注目的是:Summit 两年前刚刚从一家鲜为人知的中国生物技术公司 Akeso  9926获得了该药物的许可. 这一消息让 Summit 的市值增加了数十亿美元,尽管该公司尚未获得任何药物批准,但该公司却跃居生物技术行业的前列。尽管 Summit 的药物尚未获得美国监管机构的批准,但这一结果对整个行业来说都是一个分水岭,凸显了来自中国的竞争威胁。 中国在生物技术领域的崛起已历经多年,但现在已无法忽视。2020 年,在价值 5,000 万美元或以上的大型医药交易中,只有不到 5% 涉及中国。据 DealForma 称,到 2024 年,这一数字已飙升至近 30%。十年后,许多进入美国市场的药物将源自中国实验室。 中国生物科技的繁荣与其科技领域的崛起如出一辙。在这两种情况下,中国都已从制造业向价值链上游迈进,成为更先进的创新中心,在曾经由美国主导的行业中展开竞争。该行业的增长有几个原因。首先,过去十年来,许多在美国接受过培训的顶尖科学家回到了中国,推动了上海周边生物科技中心的兴起。正如 DeepSeek 打造出一款强大的聊天机器人一样——据称是在预算紧张、半导体资源有限的情况下——中国生物科技公司也更加拼命,利用技术娴熟、成本低廉、行动速度更快的劳动力。 此外,公司在中国开展临床试验的成本仅为在美国成本的一小部分,而中国监管体系的最新变化也简化并加快了开展研究的审批流程。  目前,中国生物技术创新大多是渐进式的,而非突破性的。许多公司专注于改进现有药物——调整化学成分、提高疗效或以关键方式使其与众不同。 但中国...


FT: 即便在动荡的当下,也很难想象未来会有什么天翻地覆的变化。但国家的命运确实会发生变化,而且变化往往十分剧烈。政治会带来后果。因此,我们应该创造性地思考这些后果可能是什么,以及我们可能会如何看待这些后果。 作为一名习惯于研究长期增长和停滞的经济学家,我可以想象自己在 2050 年评估美国历史(假设到那时我还活着,而且没有老糊涂)。当然,这个故事还有待讲述。但它可能会是这样的。 衰落来得 突然,出乎意料。20 世纪是美国的世纪,在 21 世纪的头几十年,美国看起来更加势不可挡。随着它在人工智能领域取得领先地位,其经济表现强劲,注定会超越仍在遭受 2007-09 年金融危机和 2020-22 年新冠疫情影响的西欧竞争对手。中国是一个更强大的对手,但许多评论家已经开始否认中国超越美国的可能性。2030 年代初,美国经济停止增长,甚至落后于欧洲,这让大多数人感到惊讶。 历史学家和记者一直在争论此后发生的事情。一些人关注唐纳德·特朗普第二任期的经济政策:对盟友征收关税,经过一番反复,引发了一场全球贸易战,损害了而不是帮助了美国制造业,并导致通胀飙升;进一步减税企业和高收入美国人,导致联邦债务从原本庞大的 36 万亿美元增加到 50 多万亿美元。 去年 1 月,唐纳德·特朗普在新罕布什尔州曼彻斯特的竞选集会上 © Mark Peterson/Redux/Eyevine 其他人则认为特朗普第二任期内出现的“政府科技联合体”才是真正的罪魁祸首。随着所有人工智能和加密货币监管法规的取消以及特朗普司法部宣布不会施加任何反垄断压力,科技行业进一步整合,少数几家大型企业开始主导整个行业。这不仅减缓了新的有用创新,还为 2030 年的科技大崩溃埋下了祸根,当时数万亿美元从经济中蒸发,因为很明显,对人工智能的大部分巨额投资都没有得到回报。 另一派则认为,腐败始于第 46 任总统乔·拜登,在他的领导下,通货膨胀飙升,联邦债务激增,监管变得更加政治化,对企业造成压制——尽管特朗普做出了承诺,但他从未扭转这一局面。相反,由特朗普盟友埃隆·马斯克管理的新成立的政府效率部 (Doge) 专注于解雇和恐吓同情上一届政府的公务员。这对改善商业环境或竞争力没有多大帮助,反而进一步削弱了对腐败的监督。 美国世纪的一个基本支柱是该国能够以有利于自身经济(包括金融和科技产业)的方式塑造世界秩序。但美国退出巴黎协...