经济学人: I s china about to unleash another wave of deindustrialisation on the rich world? About 1m American manufacturing workers lost their jobs to Chinese competition in 1997-2011, as the country integrated into the global trading system and began shipping cheap goods overseas. This “China shock” has since been blamed for everything from rising deaths among working-class Americans to the election of Donald Trump. The rejection of liberal attitudes to trade also explains why politicians embrace industrial policy today. Now China’s carmakers are enjoying an astonishing rise. That stokes fears of another ruinous shock. In fact, the successes of Chinese cars should be celebrated, not feared. 中国是否即将向富裕国家掀起另一波去工业化浪潮? 1997年至2011年,随着中国融入全球贸易体系并开始向海外运送廉价商品,大约有100万美国制造业工人在中国的竞争中失去了工作。此后,从美国工人阶级死亡人数上升到唐纳德·特朗普当选,这种“中国冲击”被归咎于一切。对贸易自由态度的拒绝也解释了为什么政治家们今天拥护产业政策。现在中国的汽车制造商正在享受惊人的崛起。这引发了人们对另一场毁灭性冲击的担忧。事实上,中国汽车的成功应该值得庆祝,而不是恐惧。 Just five years ago China shipped only a quarter as many cars as J...
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